| اسم المقال : 16 : ميرزا غلام مُجاز من عند الله – سبحانه - أن يكتب أي نبوءة يشاء. فالله –سبحان  | كاتب المقال: أ. فؤاد العطار  | 16 : ميرزا غلام مُجاز من عند الله – سبحانه - أن يكتب أي نبوءة يشاء. فالله –سبحانه - سيحقق النبوءة كما كتبها الميرزا.
فؤاد العطار
يقول ميرزا غلام في كتابه "حقيقة الوحي":
"Once I saw God allegorically and I wrote many Prophecies with my own hands, meaning was that these incidents should happen in such and such manner. Then I presented that paper to God for signature and without any hesitation God signed it with an ink pen and at the time of signing, He jerked the pen, which is done when one wants to clear the excessive ink on the nib and then signed; and I was in a state of crying with this thought that how much blessing and bounties of God are on me that whatever I wanted He signed on it without hesitation and I woke up at that instant. And at that time Mian Abdullah Sanwari was squeezing my legs in the room of the mosque when the drops of ink fell on my shirt and his cap. And the strange thing is that the timing of falling the ink drops and jerking the pen was the same, not a difference of a single second. An illiterate person would not understand this and will doubt it because he will consider it only a dream but those who are knowledgeable in spiritual matters he cannot doubt in this matter. Similarly God can bring from non into existence. In short, I related the whole incident to Mian Abdullah Sanwari and the tears were flowing from my eyes. Abdullah who was a witness of this dream, took great effect from it and he kept my shirt as a blessing with him, which is still present with him." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.255, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.267)
قال تعالى: ((وَمَنْ أَظلَمُ مِمَّنِ افتَرَى عَلَى اللهِ كَذِبًا أَوْ قَالَ أُوحِيَ إِلَيَّ وَلَمْ يُوحَ إِلَيْهِ شَيْءٌ ...)) – سورة الأنعام : 93.
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