عرض المقال :Two Interesting Mubahalas
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اسم المقال : Two Interesting Mubahalas
كاتب المقال: admin

Two Interesting Mubahalas

In the name of Allah the Beneficent and Merciful Introduction

Unique is the glory of Allah, the Exalted, that false pretenders of prophethood are always exposed, as was the impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who undertook to mislead simple folks by laying claims to prophethood. Allah punished him for his fraud and made him collect the filth that lay heaped around the world.

At every step he was disgraced and knocked down in every move he made. Obviously this had to be so because his crime was such. A vain person, he held Mubahala rendezvous with many persons but each time he did so, the pseudo was fully exposed as a maestro tongue-twister.

In my monograph on "Qadiani Mubahalas", you have read some of the episodes of Mirza Qadiani. I summarize a few of them to refresh your memory.

Against Abdullah Atham: the Christian Priest

On the day the long drawn polemics concluded against Abdullah Atham, Mirza was so exhausted by his adversary's arguments that his tongue loosened and he blurted forth a clever prophecy, in a style unworthy of prophets. Said he:

"Whosoever is a liar between us shall be hurtled into 'Havia' (hell-fire) within fifteen months hence" (i.e. by June 5, 1893).

Since Abdullah Atham was about 70 years old at that time, his death within the period fixed by Mirza was, after all, not something that could not be expected.

Quoting the impostor:

"I admit right now that if this prediction goes false, i.e. if within fifteen months from this date, the party deemed to be a liar in Allah's view does not fall into 'Havia' as death punishment, then I am prepared to undergo every type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around my neck or hang me on the gallows, I am prepared for everything...... This is no place to giggle in vain. If I am a liar keep the gallows ready for me and consider me the most accursed of all the cursed persons, the evil doers and the Satans".(Roohani Khazain, Vol. 6, P. 292-293).

The result of the Mubahala challenge came out before everybody. Mirza's adversary did not die in fifteen months. Atham lived on and on and in this way, Allah put Mirza to disgrace against a Christian priest.

Mirza's prediction was not a Divine Revelation. It was his Fraud and rude imposture. He deserved the punishment he had proposed on himself, that is

Blacken my face; Collar a rope around my neck; Hang me on the gallows.

The 'Sire' applied to himself superlative degree adjectival epithet, by calling himself most accursed of all the cursed persons, the evil-doers and the Satans. The polemic rendezvous seeking support for "a Satan accursed of all Satans" was sure to flounder.

Against Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had also had a Mubahala with Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi in Amritsar. Maulana challenged him face to face on this issue: Mirza and his progeny are a coterie of liars, unbelievers, heretics, impostors and dualist-infidels. Mirza accepted this challenge saying:

"Whosoever is the liar out of the Mubahala participants, perishes during the lifetime of the truthful" (Malfuzat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 9, P. 440).

As Allah willed it, Mirza died of cholera on May 29, 1908 during the lifetime of Maulana Abdul Haq, while Maulana Sahib, Allah's mercy on him, lived for full nine years after Mirza, up to May 16, 1917. Therefore, two facts were proved:

Mirza was a liar Mirza and his progeny were a coterie of liars, unbelievers, heretics, impostors and dualist-infidels.

Against Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari

On April 15, 1907 (Rabiul Awwal 1, 1325 A.H.), Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani addressed a public notice to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari. His published notification included these words:

"If I am a liar and an impostor such as you want to call me in each issue of your periodical then I shall die in your lifetime." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 3; P. 178).

After that, Mirza invoked Allah's Audience with these words requesting for a Divine Decision:

"If this claim of promised Messiahship is a false imputation from the side of me and if I am in Your Eyes a liar, mischief-monger, imputing false attribute to myself as my day/night routine, then, O my dear Master I pray to your Exalted Audience with all possible humility that destroy me in the lifetime of Maulana Sanaullah and let my death make him and his jama'at happy. Now, holding the garment of Your sanctity and Mercy, I supplicate into Your Lofty Audience to bring out true decision between me and Sanaullah and whosoever is really a liar and mischief-monger in Your Eye then carry him off from this world in the very lifetime of the one who is truthful." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 3: P. 549).

Concluding this notification, Mirza Qadiani wrote:

"In the end my request to Maulana Sahib is that he should print all this writing in his periodical and may write underneath whatever he chooses to write. Now decision rests with Allah."

Conforming to the wish of Mirza Qadiani, Maulana Sanaullah printed Mirza's notification, word by word, in his periodical, 'Ahle-Hadith' and added underneath all that he liked to write. Because Mirza Qadiani had entrusted the decision to Allah, having specifically asked for it, all Muslims and Mirzais went into expecting what would come to pass from the unknown realm of the Omniscient Being. Only one year after this, Mirza died. The liar perished on May 26, 1908. Cholera purged Mirza's guts out. The knock-out was sure, certain and precise, one year after his pronouncement in which he had implored Allah for a decision. And Maulana Sanaullah lived on, and on, and on, sound and magnificent, for a long period of forty-one years. It amazed everyone. In this way, Mirza Qadiani was once again proved a hoax, a knave and a pretender. He was himself bundled off to eternal perdition (Havia) by one stroke of celestial punishment which was enough to silence the babble.

Today, we would like to relate to our readers two more interesting Mubahalas through which Allah the Exalted proclaimed Mirza Qadiani to be a liar and Dajjal.

Mubahala No. 1

Between hafiz Muhummad Yusuf and Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi

Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Zilladar, resident of Amritsar, had once been an eminent votary of Ahle-Hadith denomination. At the outset, his leanings were heavy towards Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi, but somehow he fell into Mirza's net and turned an apostate. He became so strong a convert that day and night he would preach Mirza's pseudo-prophethood. The new faith became his heart's passion and Mirza, on his side, showered numerous praises on him: He was the best human ever born or the world had ever seen, a specimen par-excellence. In his book Izala-e-Auham, Mirza loaded him with rosy epithets in these words:

"Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib is a righteous person, loyal, virtuous, a follower of prophetic traditions and a comrade attached to Maulvi Abdullah Ghaznavi." (Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 3., P. 479).

On the night of Shawwal 2, 1310 A.H. (April 19, 1893) Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf had a Mubahala with Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi on the issue-of truthfulness of Qadianiat. Subject of this Mubahala was: Whether Mirza Qadiani with his followers was an apostate, deceiver and a liar or he was a Muslim. The stand of Maulana Ghaznavi was that Mirza and his disciples, Hakim Nooruddin and Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi were apostates, deceivers and liars and not Muslim.

This Mubahala had barely covered a week that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani put up a notification on April 25, 1893. He published this under a caption:

"Mubahala notification between Mian Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib". Under this caption, he wrote this passage:

"I am pleased to hear that one of our respected friends, Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib has received Divine Reward ahead of us through his courageous belief and gallant faith. Details of this brief are as follows: Hafiz Sahib conversing in a gathering one day said casually that nobody was appearing to come forward to debate a 'Munazra' or invoke a 'Mubahala' with Mirza Sahib, meaning this humble self. During the course of this conversation, Hafiz Sahib also said, Abdul Haq had notified for a Mubahala on his own. Now, if he thinks he is true he ought to come out to face me instead. I am prepared to have a Mubahala with him. Abdul Haq at that time happened to be somewhere near. He had also heard that Hafiz Sahib had thrown shameful remarks at him. Therefore, he steadied himself willy-nilly and caught Hafiz Sahib by hand, saying he was ready for the Mubahala right that moment. He said he would confine his challenge to this assertion that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and Maulvi Hakim Nooruddin and Maulvi Muhammad Ahsan, all three, were apostates, liars and deceivers. Hafiz Sahib accepted this challenge without hesitation and replied categorically he would do Mubahala on these very issues, because he said he had implicit belief that these three persons were Muslims. The Mubahala was therefore held on this very point and witnesses agreed upon for the Mubahala were Munshi Muhammad Nabi Bakhsh, Mian Abdul Hadi and Mian Abdur Rahman Umarpuri." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, P. 396).

Because the above notification of Mirza contained several misstatements, Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi considered it expedient to write a rejoinder, explanatory in nature, on Shawwal 26, l3l0 A.H.   He wrote:

Details regarding the Mubahala of Hafiz are only this much that because Hafiz Yusuf was a first rate ally of Mirza and an aide and helper he requested me again and again for a Mubahala on the night of 2nd Shawwal. Thus a Mubahala was held and it was on this specific issue: Mirza and Nooruddin and Muhammad Ahsan, all three, are apostates, deceivers and liars. Two days before this Mubahala, I happened to see a dream in which I see somebody whom I have challenged for a Mubahala and to whom I recite a couplet, meaning if you wouldn't listen to the kind advice of nightingale or a ring-dove, I shall finally treat you by branding. Some more things I saw in my dream, but it would be inconsistent to mention those now. This dream surprised me and I wondered. Only two days after this dream, this Mubahala chanced to be held. Until now, no token of any imprecation had appeared on Hafiz Yusuf and his peer-ji (i.e. Mirza Qadiani) got into the heat and issued his notification. I say to him, you wait and see what Allah does. With Allah, everything is on its appointed time. He is glorious, supreme, All-knowing." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Mirza Qadiani, Vol. 1, P. 424).

After sometime, result of this Mubahala came out. The rival, Hafiz Yusuf, fell flat four square, and something more. He:

renounced Qadianiat, cried on his error, cursed Satan's progeny; begged for Allah's forgiveness, re-entered Islam and accepted it on the hands of his erstwhile adversary, Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi; and tore open the seams of Mirzaiyyat, exposed its knavery and proclaimed that Mirza's henchmen were apostates, deceivers and liars.

Thanks Allah, the Gracious, glad tidings contained in Maulana Ghaznavi's inspirational dream came true and the 'final treatment' worked most effectively with Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf.

Lest somebody should doubt the correctness of details mentioned above, more particularly the fact that Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf renounced Mirzaiyyat and rejoined Islam, the following five writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani himself are given in proof:

No. 1. "Notification: Reward of Rs.500/- in the name of Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib, Zilladar, Canals. The persons whose names are written underneath in this notification are also addressed in the same way. (Arbaeen No. 3, Roohani Khazain Vol. 17, P. 386).

No. 2. "Let it be known that Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib, Zilladar, Canals, tutored by stupid delusive Maulvis has in a meeting ... stated this". (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, P. 387)

No. 3. "Remember this person (Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf) belongs to the group of Abdullah Ghaznavi who is famous as a Unitarian (believer in oneness of Allah). "(Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, P. 390).

No. 4. "And Hafiz Sahib ........seeking personal advantage considered it useful to disavow my claim of being commissioned by God because of friendship with some of his old friends". (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, P. 391)

No. 5 "Nothing comes to reason or imagination as to what happened to Hafiz Sahib .... What advantage accrues to a man if he sacrifices his spiritual life for the sake of bodily life. Personally, I had heard many times from Hafiz Sahib that he was one of those who affirmed my credibility and was always ready to hold a Mubahala against my accusers. His life had largely passed in this way and he had been narrating his dreams to me in its support and had held Mubahala with some of my dissenters". (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, P. 408).

These five quotations are confessing monologues the villain delivered at the end of the interesting play. Dramatic irony of the whole piece unfolded in this manner that an enthusiastic disciple, alas for Mirza, renounced Mirzaiyyat; and rejoined Islam.

The writer of this article challenges the Qadianis to dispute the result of this Mubahala. Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf joined Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi in calling Mirza a knave, trickster, pretender and arch-liar. Did it not happen? O Qadianis, be equitable, don't tell lies in the tradition of the Pseudo (prophet).

Mubahala No. 2

Between Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani and Pandit Lekh Ram

Events leading to this Mubahala

Earlier on, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had engaged himself in a session of verbal confrontation with a certain Hindu whose name was Lala Murli Dhar. Mirza has written its details in his book Surma-e-Chashme Arya. When Mirza lost to his rival (luck never smiled on him) , he gave out a general call to all Hindu Aryas for holding a Mubahala. Exasperated and depressed, he wrote:

"If some Arya (Samaji) having read our whole pamphlet does not leave his obstinacy and does not retrace from blasphemy, then we call him to hold a Mubahala with us, on a token we have received from Allah the Exalted". (Surma-e-Chashme-e-Arya, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 2, P. 232).

"Last resort is Mubahala for which we have made a call earlier. For Mubahala, it is not necessary to be a scholar of the Vedas (Hindu religious books). Yes, he should be a well- mannered, renowned Arya who may also impress others. Therefore Lala Murli Dhar Sahib is first of all addressed; then Lala Jeevan Das, Secretary Arya Samaj, Lahore; then Munshi Inder Man Sahib Moradabadi; and then some other person from amongst Aryas who is a respected man and is also considered learned. If they really think that 'Vedas' teachings which we have recounted in this pamphlet are correct and true and contrarily consider that the principles and teachings of Quran Shareef, also written by us in this very pamphlet, are wrong and untrue, then they may do Mubahala with us on this issue and having decided on a spot for holding the Mubahala, by mutual agreement the two parties may present themselves at that place the fixed date. Each party to the Mubahala should stand in a meeting before public and take oath, repeating words which we have written in bold as specimen and have appended them to this pamphlet; that is, if our assertion is false Divine Distress and punishment may descend on us. In this way, the words contained in each of the two Mubahalas should be publicly verified for truthfulness, believing that Divine punishment must fall on the party who swears falsely. And there shall be a waiting period of one year for Divine Decision to come down. If after passage of one year Divine punishment falls on the writer of this pamphlet, or does not fall on the adversary, in either case, this humble self, shall suffer a fine of Rs.500/- which, subject to mutual agreement, shall be deposited into the government treasury or wherever this amount is easily available to the adversary. In case he overcomes us, he shall entitle himself to collect this sum automatically, but if we overcome him we don't lay a wager. Our bet is the same prayer, that is, of heavenly signs befalling and that's enough. Now, we conclude this pamphlet after writing down the subject matter of each of the do*****ents of Mubahala. With Allah's Help." (Ibid. P. 250-251.)"

These writings put together, one will note that:

Mirza challenged all the Aryas to a Mubahala; Mubahala curse was to show its effect in a year's time; If nothing untoward happened to his rival in one year's time or, Divine Fury befell upon Mirza, during this period, in both the cases, Mirza would be proved a liar.

Having written this, Mirza indulged in other lengthy composition, concluding with these words:

"So, O God, Omnipotent, decide truly between us two parties, and whosoever, out of us, is a liar in his assertions and dogmas .. .O Immensely Mighty! send down a punishment in one year's time". (Ibid P. 254-255).

After this, Mirza wrote out a Mubahala prayer, on behalf of Aryas also, which he ended with these words:

"He who is a liar making false statements in Your Eyes ........ O Eesher, beat him up with such strokes of pain ....... that curses taking their toll, reach him in a year's time."( Ibid.  P. 258).

Pandit Lekh Ram accepts the challenge

As a rejoinder to Mirza's pamphlet, Surma-e-Chashm-e-Arya, Pandit Lekh Ram wrote his Nuskha-e-Khabte Ahmadiya (Rais-e-Qadian, Vo1. 1, P. 121) in which he wrote his acceptance of the challenge in these words:

"O Permeshwar (God) make decision between us truly; let your Sat Dharma (true religion) flow forth not by sword but through love, understanding, submission of proof and open out the adversary's heart by conferment of Sat Gayan (True wisdom ) on him so that ignorance, prejudice, oppression and outrage are destroyed because a liar can never glorify in Thy Audience like the truthful. Writer: Your eternal slave, Lekh Ram Sharma, Sabhasud, Arya Samaj, Peshawar". (Nuskha-e-Khabte Ahmadiya, P. 347; ret Lekh Ram & Mirza, P. 2, Author: Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari).

Mirza had solemnly promised to pay Rs 500/- to Lekh Ram if he lost to the Pandit. Responding to this offer, he wrote an interesting note. He said:

"Mirzaji has promised me Rs.500/-. This is his old habit (promising but not paying). Here is a poetic portrayal of his money promise through this couplet:

My life if you want dear, I mind it not; But knots of my purse, Oh, open them not!

We fully know his moveable and immovable assets and his indebtedness is not unknown to us. We throw his offer of monetary give and take into dust and make a present of those five hundred rupees back to him as betel-leaf chewing expenses from our side, on his on-coming new marriage* for which he says he has received a fresh revelation only recently". (Nuskha-e-Khabte Ahmadiya, ret Rais-e-Qadian, Vol. 1, P. 121).

(* By "new marriage" the Pandit is referring to Mirza's famous love affair. In the autumn of his life, Mirza became infatuated with a young married girl, Muhammadi Begum, and he coveted her madly for long years. He was claiming numerous concocted revelations regarding his wedding with the girl. So much so that he announced that God had betrothed the lady to him in the skies. But alas! Mirza died a despondent lover without consummating his passion)

Mirza Qadiani Verified Lekh Ram's acceptance of Mubahala

Mirza confirmed that his challenge had been accepted by Pandit Lekh Ram. He wrote:

"May it be known that at the end of Surma-e-Chashme Arya, I had called some Aryan people for a Mubahala. As a result of my writing, Pandit Lekh Ram, in his pamphlet, Khabte Ahmadiya which he published in 1888.... held a Mubahala with me. Accordingly, in his pamphlet Khabte Ahmadiya on page 344, Pandit Lekh Ram wrote the following in his introductory remarks. "Since our respected and revered Master Murli Dhar and Munshi Jeevan Das Sahib are busy in government work, this humble obedient, on his own volition and with their pleasure has taken this duty upon himself. Therefore, as the proverb says: 'take the liar to his door-step,' I accept Mirza Sahib's last request (of Mubahala) also".

Subject Matter of Mubahala

"I humble, Lekh Ram, son of Pandit Tara Singh Sahib Sharma, Author of Takzeeb-e-Braheen-e-Ahmadiya and this pamphlet, (Nuskha-e-Khabte Ahmadiya) declare in soundness of all my senses and understanding that I have read the pamphlet Surma-e-Chashme Arya from beginning to end, not once but many times, having grasped its arguments fully and have published its reply in refutation in the light of Sat Dharam (true religion). In this pamphlet, the arguments of Mirza Sahib have not impressed me one bit because they are not righteously oriented. (After dilating on this subject the Pandit wrote in the end:) O, Permeshwar! (God) Make a decision between us truly, because never can a liar glorify in Thy Audience against the truthful.

Writer: Your eternal slave, Lekh Ram Sharma, Sabhasud Arya Samaj, Peshawar, presently Editor, Arya Gazette, Ferozepur Punjab," (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 2, P. 326-332, Summary}.

Result of Mubahala

The whole story is now before the readers in full details. Before we let them know as to who won in glory and who lost in disgrace, it shall be helpful to go over the stipulations of the Mubahala, once again:

Mirza would win if Divine Punishment befell upon his rival in one year's time; Mirza would lose and pay a fine of Rs.500 to his rival if: Divine Punishment rebounded upon Mirza himself; or No Divine Punishment befell upon his rival Hindu within one year. Duration of the waiting period for this 'sporting event' was only one year; that is, all that was to happen must happen within one year.

Finale in 1889

The Mubahala challenge of the Pandit was thrown in 1888. By the end of 1889, result was to be out as Mirza stipulated, but the year passed away and nothing happened. Pandit Lekh Ram lived much beyond 1889. Actually he died in 1897 and Mirza never paid him 500 Rupees. The Pandit knew he wouldn't, true to the couplet: "Knots of my purse, Oh, open them not."

Epilogue: Divine Decision subjected Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to disgrace before Pandit Lekh Ram, Hindu Arya. How shameful indeed!



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تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

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