عرض المقال :Identification of true Messiah of the Last Era
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اسم المقال : Identification of true Messiah of the Last Era
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Identification of true Messiah of the Last Era

Muhammad Yusuf Lughianvi


"And verily he (Jesus) shall be a sign of the Hour (of judgment), so doubt not in it." (Holy Quran, 43:61)


Allah's Prophet Muhammad(SAW) has informed that some major signs shall precede the occurrence of the Resurrection Day. Among them are: the Appearance of Hazrat Mahdi, emerging of Dajjal, the one-eyed impostor, and descending of Hazrat Masih Isa Bin Mariam(AS) in this world. This Tradition has been received as a Mutawatir Hadith.

Many insolent adventurists sprang up in the past, claiming to be Mahdi or Masih but their claims paled down on the touchstone of truth and facts. However, their protagonists in some numbers are still alive. Taking his cue from these liars, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (India) followed in their footsteps in the nineteenth century A.D. Moving step by step, he claimed to be a revivalist (Mujaddid) in 1884, Masih in 1891 and finally a prophet (Nabi) in 1901. In this manner, one more name was added in the list of those who claimed to be Masih, Mahdi and Nabi.

In Rajab, 1399, A.H., I wrote a pamphlet which was in reply to a letter, a Qadiani had sent me. In it I had enumerated some holy utterances of the holy Prophet(SAW) in this regard. These were but the same as Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had himself earlier acknowledged. Mirza admitted that these special signs must precede before Masih comes forth in the world. Despite what he had admitted, he came out later with the claim that he himself was Mahdi and Masih, knowing well that he was telling lies and making false claims.

My pamphlet, which is now before you titled as Shinakht (Identification) has been published several times in the past but here is its revised edition.

May Allah, the Exalted, grant it approbation and turn it into an instrument for guiding the misguided ones.

Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi Rajab 14, 1410, A.H.

Identification Signs of Hazrat Masih (Jesus)

A Qadiani gentleman once wrote me a piece of advice. He told me:

"You have made lots of plans and schemes for the destruction and ruin of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. You have shown all possible hostility to his God and Prophet. Now, come, be kind to yourself for God's sake. If you can't reform your own self, at least don't invite God's displeasure to hit you because you are misguiding people and carrying them away from what is true".

My answer was: "Indeed, indeed, I value your advice. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, if really a Masih and a Mahdi, my denial of him amounts to my denying Allah. I stand exposed, inviting His displeasure because I am misguiding people. But same to you, my brother-in-humanity, if it happens the other way round, that is, if Mirza Ghulam Ahmad turns out to be a cheat".

While analyzing the contents of your letter I saw that you quoted one statement of the holy Prophet(SAW). You wrote that he said: "When Masih and Mahdi appear, convey to them my salaam." Now, I ask you: Along with this message, the Prophet(SAW) must have also told the Ummah how to recognize and identify Masih, because unless he is recognized how would the Ummah convey to him the Prophet's message of salaam. Also, when we should expect Masih to come; how long he will stay; what about his physical looks, his dress; where he will go; what he will do; when and where he will die; and so on. Yes, for your information, all necessary signs and details about these matters have been bequeathed to the Ummah in the exalted Traditions of the holy Prophet(SAW).

Let's analyze these signs one by one. Let's see, whether Mirza fits into them. If he does, OK, take him on as Masih and call others to do the same, but if he does not, then, I shall take you for a ride and tell everybody that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was an ultra-hoax. I wouldn't stop at that. I would also say that chicanery has degrees; Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri (U.P., India), Mulla Muhammad Attoki (Punjab) and Ali Muhammad Baab (Iran) were hoaxes in the comparative degree but Mirza was in the superlative degree! After my analysis if you still persisted in calling him a 'Masih', then, I am afraid, a vulture with sleepy eyelids is a phoenix for you.

Therefore, it is a duty, yours, mine and that of everybody to focus Mirza into the light of those identification signs the holy Ahadith specify. If Mirza's parameter blurs, be honest to reject him. Take up my gauntlet since it's you who have stirred up the hornets' peace. I proceed with Allah's guidance:

1. Times of Hazrat Masih's Arrival

When will Hazrat Masih (AS) come is obviously the foremost question. For an answer to it, I quote your grand-sire Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself from his book Haqiqat-ul Wahi, P.193:

First sign: "Said Allah's Prophet Allah will raise for this at the head of each century, one person who will revive Deen for it." (Abu-Dawood). And this is also unanimously agreed among Ahle-Sunnat that the last revivalist of this Ummah is the promised Masih who will appear in the last era. Now this should be inquired into whether this era is the last one or not? Jews and Christians, both the nations agree, that this is the last era. Ask them, if you like". (Haqiqat ul Wahi, P. 193)

Mirza in the above statement has tacitly alluded to himself as Masih.

Mirza check-mated in the light of his above statement

Major premises, as established by Mirza himself:

Saying of the holy Prophet (SAW) that one revivalist will head every century; Unanimous agreement among Ahle-Sunnat that Masih will be the last revivalist of the last era; Jews and Christians agree that Mirza's period is the last era.

Minor premises, also established by Mirza

Fourteenth century is the last century; In it will come the last revivalist; The last revivalist will be Masih.


Fourteenth century is finished; Fifteenth century has started; New revivalist will come in fifteenth century.

Q.E.D. (Thus Was Proven)

Mirza is not the last revivalist; Mirza is not Masih; Mirza is an arch-hoax.

I expect my Qadiani well-wisher to understand this much of geometry at least! If honest, let him give a straight verdict:

That Mirza is just Mirza Neither Masih nor Mahdi, But only a Masquerade Patriarch of progeny Of the gullible and the cunning.

2. Duration of Masih's stay on earth

Second question is how long Masih will live in this world. The Ahadith say forty years. Mirza Mahmud Ahmad acknowledged it (Haqiqat un Nubuwwah, P. 192). His father, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, had already declared likewise. He rather claimed to have had a revelation to the effect that he would preach for forty years. In his Nishan-e-Aasmani on P. 13, his poetic vein throbbed when he quoted Shah Niamat Ullah Wali and conveniently fitted the contents of his couplet upon himself.

"Till forty years O brother mine, era of that cavalier, I see". (Mirza calling himself a cavalier).

Mirza further writes:

"From that day, the Imam will reveal himself, as one who is divinely inspired; he will have a life of forty years thereafter. Now let it be clear that this humble has been commissioned for preaching the truth by special revelation in fortieth year of his life and has been given a good news that 'thy age is up to 80 years or thereabouts'. Therefore, by this revelation my preaching commission is proved up to 40 years, out of which full 10 years have already passed".

It is evident from Mirza's above statement that he means to say that Hazrat Masih(AS) will live for forty years on his second coming to the world. Claiming Messiahship in 189l, Mirza died on May 26, 1908; living 17.5 years as a self-proclaimed Masih in the world. If we also include that period when he claimed only to be a Mujaddid and not Masih, even then till June 1892 (the year of publication of Nishan-e-Aasmani) the period of "full ten years" will be further added. In other words his claim of Messiahship started in 1882 and by 1908 his living period would be 26 years. Hence even then Mirza did not fulfill the Prophetic saying (viz. Masih will stay in the world for forty years) and his claim of Messiahship did not prove true. Consequently, I ask, did Mirza complete his 40 years of preaching since "that humble had been commissioned"? No, never. Yet another proof of his lies!

Ironically someone told me: Mirza was going to die in 1922, but look at Hazrat Izraeel(AS) who started his count-down in 1908; good that he was packed up earlier and was released from his melancholic hyster-mania. Had not the world seen of him, heard of him, enough!

3. Details relating to Hazrat Masih's Personality

(a) Marriage and Children According to Mishkat Shareef (P. 480) Hazrat Masih(AS) on coming down to the world will marry and have children.

Mirza admits this in juxtaposition and support of his own "celestial" marriage. He writes:

"Allah's Prophet(SAW) has already foretold in support of this prediction (i.e. Muhammadi Begum's marriage with Mirza 'in the sky') that the promised Masih will take a wife and will be father of children. Now, to mention wife and children is obviously a normal occurrence because everyone marries and has children; so no excellence in that. But (a particular Mention of) taking a wife and having children means some special wife and some special children. In this respect a prediction of this humble self is already there. In other words, it appears the Prophet(SAW) is giving a reply to the doubts of the black-hearted unbelievers that these events will certainly occur! " (Appendix Anjam-e-Atham, P. 53).

A person who does not believe in the fulfillment of Prophetic utterances is no doubt black-hearted.

Mirza had written this in 1896. By that time, he had married twice and he had children from both wives. But no excellence in that, he said. The marriage to be excellent had to be in the nature of a token from Allah. But neither the "special marriage" nor "special children" were in Mirza's luck. Thus, he failed to match the criteria of identification which the Prophet(SAW) has established for Hazrat Masih This is another point which proves that Mirza was not Masih

(b) Haj and Pilgrimage In course of fixing an account of the events from the life of Hazrat Masih(AS), the Prophet of Allah(SAW) spoke very specifically about the performance of Haj and Umra (to Mekkah) by hazrat Masih(AS) and also about conveying his salaam to the holy Prophet when he (i.e. Masih(AS) would present himself at the holy mausoleum in Madina Munawwara. (Mustadrak Hakim, Vol. 2, P. 595). Mirza himself had acknowledged that it would happen. Consequently according to his Ayyam-e-Sulh, P. 168, once, when he was asked as to why he did not perform Haj by then, he replied:

"Our Haj will be at the time when Dajjal having forsaken his infidelity and deception would perform Baitullah's tawaf (around Kaba), because, according to Hadith Sahih, same would be the time for the promised Masih to perform Haj".

At another place, it is reported in Mirza's Malfoozat (Record of conversations):

"Letter of Maulvi Muhammad Husain Batalvi was read out in the esteemed presence of hazrat promised Masih, wherein objection was raised as to why he did not perform Haj. In reply, the promised Masih said: "My first assignment is killing of swine and breaking of the 'cross'. I am still killing swine; many swine have died but many hard cores are still left. Let there be some respite and disengagement!" (Malfoozat-e-Ahmadiya, Part Five, P. 264, compiled by Manzoor Ilahi).

The world knows that Mirza was denied the good fortune of performing Haj and pilgrimage to the Prophet's mausoleum till at last he breathed away into thin air. This proves again that he was not the promised Masih and did not match the token set up by the Prophet(SAW).

(c) Death and Burial Allah's Prophet(SAW) said that Hazrat Masih(AS) would die after completing the duration he was destined to pass in the world and that Muslims would offer his funeral prayers and bury him in the holy mausoleum by the side of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar(RAs) (Mishkat, P. 480)

Admitting this statement of the Prophet(SAW), Mirza writes in his book Kashti-e-Nooh, P. 15:

"The Prophet(SAW) says, 'the promised Masih will be buried in my grave', that is to say he (Masih) is the same as I"

At another place, in Izala-e-Auham he writes:

"Possibly there may come some resembler of Masih who may be buried near the mausoleum of the Prophet(SAW)"

The whole world knows that Mirza never had a chance to breathe the air of Medina.  He lied buried in Qadian.  Hence he could not be deemed the promised Masih.

4. Hazrat Masih(AS) will descend from the sky

That Masih(AS) for whom the Prophet(SAW) desired his salaam to be conveyed will be the one who would descend from the sky. In his book, Izala-e-Auham on page 81, Mirza himself confirmed this indication given by the Prophet(SAW) as follows:

"For instance this word is there in the Hadith of Sahih Muslim that when Hazrat Masih will descend from the sky, his dress will be of yellow color"!

Now, who does not know that Mirza came out from the womb of Chiragh Bibi? Is a woman's womb called 'sky'. Can you still say Mirza was Masih?

5. Details of Deeds of Hazrat Masih

The holy Prophet(SAW) has given the details of the deeds which shall be accomplished by Hazrat Masih; for instance, Hadith of Sahih Bukhari says:

"I swear by Him in Whose hands is my life that soon there will descend among you Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Mariam as a Just authority; so (he) will break the 'cross', kill swine and discontinue war!" (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, P. 490)

This noble Hadith mentions several deeds which Hazrat Masih will perform after his descent. Before going into those, let's evaluate the significance of the Oath which was taken here by the Prophet(SAW).  First of all you should understand what does an oath signify. An oath, as ever, is pronounced on those occasions where, either the assertion appears doubtful, or some element of astonishment exists or where the assertion admits no incongruity. Absolute credence in the veracity of a statement is the sine qua non of an oath. Mirza agrees to this and in his book Hamamat ul Bushra, on page 14, says:

"An oath vouches that the news must go along with its prima-facie; there is no interpretation in it and no exclusion"

(a) Who is Masih (AS) The Prophet(SAW) testified that:

Name of the coming Masih shall be Isa; But Mirza's name was not Isa. It was Ghulam Ahmad. Imagine the difference between Isa and Ghulam Ahmad? Any connection between the two? Name of Masih's mother is Mariam Siddiqa; But the name of Mirza's mother was Chiragh Bibi. Masih(AS) shall descend from the sky; But Mirza did not descend from the sky.

The Prophet(SAW) pronounced the above three signs on oath and Mirza admitted them all. To quote him again: "An oath vouches that the news goes along with its prima-facie; there is no interpretation in it and no exclusion". Therefore, judge for yourself the act of that man who takes the liberty of cir*****venting the oath of the Prophet Would he be considered to have faith in the Prophet(SAW)? Certainly not!

(b) Masih(AS) will be a Just Authority The Prophet(SAW) also pronounced on oath that Masih(AS) will come in the capacity of a ruler who is just and will perform Khilafat duties and would be a sovereign over the entire Millat-e-Islamia. On the other hand, we find Mirza begged to remain the most obedient servant of Queen Victoria of England. For generations, Mirza was a faithful subject of the British Indian rulers and felt honored when his ancestors were given a chair to sit on in the British Darbar held in Delhi. He took pride to be in the serfdom of British rulers. A toady of the British imperialists, he fawned on the British Queen, owed fealty to her Lords in India and worst of all he played a spy against the Muslims and his countrymen.

More so, Mirza was never a ruler of any description anywhere; far from it. He did not exercise any authority over any village of India even. At best, he served as a Munshi in District Court, Sialkot. The truth, therefore, is that no mark of identification spelled out by the holy Prophet(SAW) tilts on him and Mirza admits his low profile in his book, Izala-e-Auham, when he writes on page 200:

"It is possible, rather very much possible, that such Masih will come in some era on whom the apparent words of the Ahadith of the Prophet (SAW) will fall true because this humble self has not come down with sovereignty or rulership of the world".

Thus, Mirza cannot be deemed Masih because he does not befit the holy Prophet's(SAW) edict.

(c) Breaking of the Cross Hazrat Isa's most important mission, after descending on the earth will be the reformation of his people who shall consist of his antagonists, the Jews and his protagonists, the Christians.

In those days, Dajjal, will be the leader of all the Jews. Hazrat Isa(AS) will first put him to death and then make an end of the Jews. Then he will turn towards the Christians and reform them of their misguided notions that stemmed from the beliefs of Trinity, Crucifixion and Expiation.  His descending in day-light before all eyes, the very spectacle, will dispel the deification dogma. A human among humans, his physique will refute dogmas of Trinity, Cross and Atonement. With a living Masih(AS) around and spurious beliefs negated, the Christians shall pray to Allah for forgiveness. Naturally, they will take to Islam and will throw away all 'crosses', none remaining.

As you know, most evils in society take root from pork-eating. Therefore, Hazrat Isa(AS) will destroy swine. In this way, he will uproot all noxious practices at religious and social levels. Christians, converted to Islam, will break 'crosses' themselves and kill pigs and swine.

Could Mirza accomplish all this? How could he go against his swine-eater masters. Does a vassal go against his lord?

During the period he alleged he was busy in breaking the cross, he got an excuse that he had no time to go to Haj. The fact remains that Christianity made great progress during that very period. In his book, Izala-e-Auham, he writes on page 491:

"When slightly over half of the thirteenth century had passed, then this group of Dajjals appeared. They continued to make substantial progress till the end of this century. Then, as Priest Baker Sahib said, Christians reached up to the pitch of 500,000 in India alone. It has now been estimated that 100,000 men will become Christians in the next twelve years."

It was the ill-omened step of Mirza that caused so many Christian bloomings to sprout up in India. This was the condition when he was alive. What happened after his exit from the world is quoted from a Qadiani newspaper, Al-Fazl, dated June 19, 1941, on page 5:

"Do you know, there are 137 Christian missions operating in India i.e. Head missions; number of their branches is many more. More than 1800 Priests are working in the Head Missions. There are 403 hospitals in which 500 Doctors are working. There are 43 printing presses and about 100 newspapers are printed in different languages. They are running 51 Colleges, 617 High Schools and 61 Training Colleges, where 60,000 students study. In the (Christian) Salvation Army there are 308 European and 2,866 Indian priests. Under them, there are 507 Primary Schools in which 18,675 students study. Under different departments of this "Army", 3,200 men are nourished. As a result of these efforts and sacrifices it is said that 224 persons of different religions are being daily converted to Christianity in India".

Al-Fazl reports 81,760 persons becoming Christians every year in 1941 in India alone, leave aside the remaining world. Judge for yourself: Does this amount to breaking the 'cross' for which the Prophet(SAW) had given the good news on oath. Could this counterfeit Masih be that breaker of 'Cross' for whom the Prophet(SAW) said 'Give my salaam to him!"

Let your conscience be the judge and remove the impure from the pure if you can. Take it for sure that there will come down the real Masih, and not this scarecrow! That Masih, who will wipe off the relics of Christianity from the face of the earth will be different from this impostor.

Nothing what Mirza says stands but on crutches of cir*****vention. When foretelling of the Prophet(SAW) are straightforward why believe in the crookedness of a crook.

But Mirza had a brain-wave. He came out with an idea and said that Masih(AS) was lying buried in a grave in Mohalla Khan Yar in Srinagar (Kashmir, India). This turned out to be Yuza Asef's, grave but Mirza insisted on his version. Reason for his insistence was that thereby he would ask the people to take it for granted that 'Cross' had been broken. Then, he went one step further to say that he had killed the God of Christians:

"In fact our purpose in tile is twofold; one, to kill a prophet and second, to kill Satan". (Malfoozat, Vol. 10, P. 60).

But those upon whom Allah has bestowed knowledge are aware that killing of the god of Christians was an "accomplishment" of Sir Syed Ahmad! At a time when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad firmly believed in a living Masih and used to prove that Masih was alive by quoting the Ayat of the holy Quran and his own "revelation" as on pages 498-99 and 505 in his Braheen-e-Ahmadiya, Sir Syed Ahmad at that very time had vainly and presumptuously proved the death of Hazrat Isa(AS) (God forbid) on the holy Quran's testimony. Result was that some persons were misguided by the notions of Sir Syed Ahmad, and men like Hakeem Noor-ud-Din, Maulvi Abdul Kareem and Maulvi Muhammad Ahsan Amrohvi and some modern educated people fell a prey to the belief of Masih's death. Therefore, if proving Masih's death means breaking the 'Cross' then, it is Sir Syed who deserves the title of the "promised Masih" and "breaker of Cross", and not Mirza!

Anyhow, it should also be noted that 'Cross worship and expiation dogmas came to be accepted by the Christians when the 'Cross' was regarded sanctimonious because 'hanging' of Hazrat Isa(AS) and his dying on it is the belief of Christians. Mirza differs from this belief only over one detail, that is, he says that Isa(AS) did not die as a result of hanging but feigned dead-like and contrived to escape into Kashmir where he died a natural death later. In short, Mirza agrees with the Christians that Isa(AS) is dead; so wherefore his claim of breaking the 'Cross' stands?

Islam calls the whole episode a story made up by the Jews in which the Christians acquiesced and I say Mirza, in his folly, followed suit trailing behind them. Therefore, in Islam, Isa was never crucified. Hence the crucifix has no sanctity. This truth will unravel at the time of Hazrat Isa's descent. His sublime presence shall put all spurious beliefs to naught.

(d) Wars will cease and Jazia will end The above-quoted Hadith of Sahih Bukhari has mentioned the words wars will end as one great deed of Hazrat Masih(AS), i.e. he will put a stop to strife and war. Other Traditions in which these words are used, purport to signify that levy of Jazia will cease. Mirza mounts up his falsehood on the basis of this Prophetic saying and asks Muslim Ummah to become obedient to the British Government. For this reason he declared that holy wars waged against the British were 'Haram' (forbidden.). On the other hand, this Tradition merely meant to say that after the arrival of Hazrat Masih(AS) all sorts of dissension against one another shall disappear, whether religious or secular. There will be neither enmity nor resentment, no squabbles, no fights. In this situation, Jazia will automatically cease because religious feuds would have disappeared.

But, historically we find that during the post-death era of Mirza, his ill-omened being heralded poppies of two World Wars with sporadic outbreaks of hostilities here and there, while the third world war is looming large on humanity's head like the sword of Damocles. Far from putting an end to Jazia, Mirza's Qadiani Jamaat today is eating bread and butter of non-Muslims in Britain and elsewhere in European Christian countries.

Be just and tell me if the tokens the Prophet(SAW) swore by are discernible anywhere in Mirza's personality? Certainly not. Ponder, is Mirza a Masih a laughing stock?

(e) Killing of Dajjal

As the Chief of Jews, Dajjal will first of all show himself off as a very holy man, then he will claim prophethood, next he will claim to be God (Fath-ul-Bari, Vol. 13, P. 79). He will be one-eyed and (Kafir) or ( K F R ) will be inscribed on his forehead which every literate and illiterate Muslim shall be able to decipher. He will make his own paradise and hell. (Mishkat, P. 473). Seventy thousand Jews of Esfahan will accompany him. (Mishkat, P. 475). He will appear forth from the middle of Iraq and Syria and raise mischief right and left. For forty days, he will cause turmoil in the world. First day of the forty shall be equivalent to one year and second day to one month and the third day to one week and all the remaining days shall be of normal duration. He will travel fast like wind behind clouds. (Mishkat, P. 473). People out of fear will go into mountains.

Allah will give Dajjal leeway and capacity to rouse people to rebellion. Before his appearance there will be three exacting years, in the first of which, rainfall will be less by one-third of the normal, leading to a shortfall of one-third in grain production; rains in the second year will be less by two-third, resulting in a shortfall of grain by two-third, till in the third year there will be no growth as not one drop of rain will fall. Beasts and cattle will die on account of severe famine and drought. On the other hand, rain will fall on lands of those persons who would have reposed their faith in Dajjal. Therefore, their lands shall have vegetation and cattle shall return from pastures with filled bellies; those having no faith in him will be indigent and their cattle destroyed. (Mishkat, P. 473-474)

When Dajjal shall go over desolate places, he order the land to throw its treasures out; consequently treasures will emerge and accompany him. (Mishkat, P. 473). He will tell a bedouin, "If I bring your dead camels to life will you have faith in me?"  He will reply, "Certainly!" Then, Satans, appearing as camels, shall come before him. He will think that is camels have really become alive. Thus, bound by spells, he will believe in Dajjal as God. Similarly he will tell a person, "If I bring your father and brother back to life, will you believe in me?" He will say, "Certainly"! Then he will go to the graves of his father and brother and there, Satans looking like his father and brother, will come out to him and say: "yes, this is God and do believe in him." (Mishkat, P. 477). In this way, Dajjal will mislead humanity and only Allah's chosen people will not be influenced by his deceit and trickery. Therefore the Prophet(SAW) was pleased to say in his will, that on hearing Dajjal's appearance people should run away from him. (Mishkat, P. 475).

At last Dajjal will turn towards Madinah Tayyibah but will not be able to enter Madinah and will encamp behind Uhad mountain. Then, angels of Allah, the Exalted, will turn his direction towards the country of Syria and having gone there, he will perish. (Mishkat, P. 475)

At the time when Dajjal will be heading towards Syria, Hazrat Imam Mahdi will be busy fighting holy war with Christians on the front of Constantinople. Hearing that Dajjal had emerged, he would return to the country of Syria and will array his troops for a battle. At the time of 'Fair' Salat, when the congregation will be in a standing position before start of Prayers, Hazrat Isa will descend. Hazrat Mahdi will bring him forward to lead prayers and will himself go behind but Hazrat Isa will order him to lead. (Mishkat , P. 480). After finishing prayers, Hazrat Isa(AS) will go out to face Dajjal. He would run off on seeing Hazrat Isa and will start melting like lead. Hazrat Isa(AS) will overtake him at Bab-e-Lud (at present under Israeli possession) and kill him. (Mishkat, P. 473).

Imam Tirmizi according to a narration of Hazrat Mujammi ibn Jariyah(RA) relates this holy saying of the holy Prophet(SAW) that "Hazrat Isa(AS) will kill Dajjal at 'Bab-e-Lud', and says:

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تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

الزوار: 3976

المقالات المتشابهة
المقال السابقة
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the Mirror of his own Writings Part 2
المقالات المتشابهة
المقال التالية
The Qadiani Funeral
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القائمة البريدية


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