عرض المقال :Contradictions in writings of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani
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اسم المقال : Contradictions in writings of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani
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Contradictions in writings of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani

By Dr. Rashid

Doublethink . . . is a vast system of mental cheating" (George Orwell).

Doublethink is a 'Thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods, especially when used as a technique of self-indoctrination.' (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition)

Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani, is the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement. He claimed to be a reformer of Islam, a prophet of God, Promised Messiah among many other things. He wrote some 80 books during his lifetime which gives an insight into the character and personality of this man. In this article I will highlight some of the contradictions or doublethinks that I have come across in the writings of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani. However, before I do that, I would like to invite the readers to read the following quotes from the various books of Mirza Qadiani, which will help us finally to judge him the light of his own writings.  

Mirza's fatwa about contradictions

"Writings of liar compulsorily contains contradictions." (Zamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya part 5, Roohani Khazain vol 21 p.275) "Writings of a truthful and clear-conscience person never contains any contradictions. Yes if someone is lunatic and insane or such a hypocrite who is a yes man for flattering someone, his writings will, of course, be contradictory." (Sat Bachan, Roohani Khazain vol 10 p.132) "Any wise and sensible person can never keep two different beliefs." (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.220)

Now let look at the various examples about his contradictions:


Boastful Claims:

"God is the one who has sent his messenger, this humble self, with good conduct and manners." (Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.426) "I have not even answered back anyone with abusive language." (Roohani Khazain vol. 19 p.236) "To Curse is not the Quality of a SIDDIQ (Truthful). Believer does not send Curses." (Roohani Khazain vol. 3, p.456)

And the reality:

Reacting to the criticism of one of his opponents, he said: "O Low Caste! Khabees! Enemy of Allah and Prophet! You have done this Jewish alteration in the (prophecy), so that this Grand Miracle of Holy Prophet SAAW is hidden from this world .....your lie O Worthless is exposed ...... from which word did these Stupids understood these meanings? O Morons! O Sightless! Disgrace to the Molviyat! ......especially the head of the Dajjaleens, Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and his followers; Hundred thousand times Shoes of Curses of Allah may fall upon them. O Dirty Dajjal! Prophecy has been fulfilled but bigotry has blinded you." (Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain vol 11 p.330)

Mirza Remembers his another opponent, Hazrath Mehr Ali Shah, in following words: "Lair, Khabees (wicked). Sting like a scorpion. O Land of Golra! Curse of God be upon you. You have become accursed because of the cursed one." (Roohani Khazain vol.18) "Enemies (meaning Muslims) have become swines of our jungle and their women have become worse than *****es." (Roohani Khazain vol.14 p.53) For his opponent Maulvi Saadullah Ludhianvi, Mirza writes: "Demon. Secondrel Profilgate. Devil. Accursed seed of evil person. Wicked Mischievous. III-omened Son of a *****." (Roohani Khazain vol.14 p.53)

Now read this again:

"I have not even answered back anyone with abusive language." (Roohani Khazain Vol19 p.236 by Mirza Qadiani) "God is the one who has sent his messenger, this humble self, with good conduct and manners." (Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.426) "To Curse is not the Quality of a SIDDIQ (Truthful). Mo'omin (Believer) does not invoke Curses." (Roohani Khazain vol. 3, p.456)

Mirza Ghulam - Truthfulness versus Lies

I have no Teacher:

"Mahdi is not a student of anybody. I swear that this is exactly my condition. Nobody can prove that any human has taught me Quran." (Roohani Khazain vol 14 p.394)

I have following teachers:

"At 10 years of age an Arabic Teacher was appointed for me whose name was Fazal Ahmed ....and when I was 17-18 years of age I was taught by another Molvi Saheb, whose name was Gul Ali Shah, who was appointed by my father in Qadian to teach me." (Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.180)

"When I was 6-7 yrears old, a persian teacher was employed for me who taught me Holy Quran ....and his name was Fazal Ilahi." (Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.180)

I am not a prophet:

"How can it be permitted that I claim prophethood and go out of the fold of Islam and join the party of Kaafirs?" (Humamatul Bushra, Roohani Khazain vo.7 p.297) "O People!... Do not be an enemy of Quran and after Khatamun Nabiyeen do not start new silsila of prophetic revelation." (Asmani Faisla, Roohani Khazain vol.4 p.335) "Can such a wretched fabricator who claims himself to be a prophet and messenger, have faith in Quran, and can such a person who have faith in Quran and believes the verse: 'wa laakin Rasoolullah wa Khatemun Nabiyeen' to be the word of Allah, say that I am also a messenger and prophet after Holy Prophet SAAW?" (Anjame Atham, Roohani Khazain vol.11 p.297) "I am neither a claimant of prophethood and nor I deny miracles, angels and Night of Power .... and after Syedna wa Maulana Muhammad SAAW, Khatemul Mursaleen, i consider any claimaint of prophethood and messengership to be a liar and kaafir." (Tableeghe Risalat vol.2 p.22, Collection of Advertisements vol.1 p.230)

I am Prophet:

"I swear upon God in whose hands is my life, He has sent me, He only has named me prophet and He only has sent me as Promised Messiah." (Tatumma Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.503) "True God is that God who has sent His Prophet in Qadian." (Dafa alBala p.11, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.231)

I am not Promised Messiah

"I have never claimed that I am Messiah Ibne Maryam and he who accuses me of such a thing, he is absolutely a liar and a fabricator." (Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain vol.3 192) "This humble self has simply claimed to be a Maseel Maseeh, which foolish people have thought to be Promised Messiah..." (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.192)

I am Promised Messiah:

"I claim that I am the Promised Messiah, about whom all the Holy Books of God have foretold that he will appear in the last days." (Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.295) "I swear upon that God upon whom to fabricate is the job of accursed ones, He has sent me as Promised Messiah." (Collection of Advertisement of Mirza Goolam vol.3 p.435)

Language of Ilham

"This is absolutely rubbish and illogical thing that the mother tongue of a person is different and the revelation is sent in a different tongue , which he can even not understand, because in this there is too much difficulty in that. And what is the use of such a revelation which is beyond human understanding" (Chashma-e-Ma'arifat p.209, Roohani Khazain vol.23 p.218) "This is most amazing that certain revelations are sent to me in those languages about which I have absolutely no knowledge like English, Sanskrit or Hebrew etc." (Nuzool-e-Maseeh p.57, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.435) "Since during this week certain sentences have been revealed in English etc, and although some of them have been asked (?translated) by a hindu boy, but it is not satisfactory, and certain revelations were translated by Allah in revelation, and some sentences are probably in Hebrew. All these must be researched and clarified .... quickly try to get as much clarification as possible, inform me in a clear handwriting which can be easily read." (Letter of Mirza Goolam Qadiani to Mir Abbas Ali Shah, Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya - Collection of Letters of Mirza goolam, vol.1 p.68)

SubHanAllah! See how many difficulties are faced by the one who is appointed by God!!! Sending revelations in such languages that are not even understood by his prophet, so that he is forced to consult hindu boys!!! PS. Mir Abbas Saheb was the first Mureed of Mirza Goolam A Qadiani, and after witnessing such things from his 'prophet' finally he denounced Mirza and embraced Islam. For details read this article: .

Now read this again:

"Writings of liar compulsorily contains contradictions." (Zamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya part 5, Roohani Khazain vol 21 p.275) "Writings of a truthful and clear-conscience person never contains any contradictions. Yes if someone is lunatic and insane or such a hypocrite who is a yesman for flattering someone, his writings will, of course, be contradictory." (Sat Bachan, Roohani Khazain vol 10 p.132) "Any wise and sensible person can never keep two different beliefs." (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.220)

Now I request the readers to feel free to judge Mirza Goolam A Qadiani acording to his own edict. A Liar? A Lunatic? Insane? Hypocrite? A Toady/Sycophant?

Wassalam on those who follow the hidayah

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali P O Box 11560 Dibba, Al-Fujairah United Arab Emirates rasyed@emirates.net.ae http://alhafeez.org/rashid/

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التقييم: 4 /5 ( 2 صوت )

تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

الزوار: 3110

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