False Beliefs of Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani
Part II
By Lal Hussein Akhter
Translated by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
Mirza Sahib writes: "Zameen-e-Qadian ab Mohtram hay # hujoom-e-Khalq say ardh-e-Haram hay
Translation: The land of Qadian is now a Holy Land # With flocking of people it has become the Land of Haram (Makkah)" (Durre Sameen, Urdu P.52)
O Ahmadis! Here your hazrat has really crossed all limits. Is this that the invented sciences of Mirza Saheb which you are proud of? Open your ears, he says that the land of Qadian is respectable and because of crowding of people it has become 'Land of Haram'! Now you do not have to go to Ka'aba to perform Hajj. Land of Qadian is Land of Haram and Mirza Sahib is Hajr-e-Aswad, the inspiration of 'Inna a'atainaaka alKauther' (AlBushra Vol.2 P.109) is there from before, so consider the filthy stinking sewage lines of Qadian as Zam Zam. Near the grave of your Promised Messiah is the stable of the donkey of Dajjal. By this donkey of Dajjal you can come to the Qadian quickly from any place in Hindustan. YES! do not forget. Qadian is the same place about which your Mujaddid/Zilli/Buroozi prophet had the inspiration:
"Yazeedi type of people are born in Qadian." (Izala-e-Auham footnote P.72, Roohani Khazain Vol.3 P.138)
Yes Sir! We are not concerned whether Qadian is Land of Haram or the place of living for Yazeedis. It is your business. However if you have the courage, give us a reply to one question: Since your Hazrat sahib had said that the crowding of Qadian had made it Land of Haram, if by the crowding and swarming the place makes it 'Land of Haram' when are you going to make Ka'aba in New York, London, and Berlin?
Some of the Ilhams (inspirations) of Mirza rained on him in following words:
"Wa maa arsalnaaka illa Rehmat al lil Alameen" Translation: O Mirza! We have sent you to make you Mercy for all the worlds. (Anjam-e-Atham P.78, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.78)" 'Daiyan ila Allahe' and 'Sirajum Muneer' two names and two titles were especially given to Holy Prophet SAAW in Holy Quran and then the same two titles were given to me in inspiration." (Arba'een No.2 P.5, Roohani Khazain Vol.17 P.350) "In this place the word 'Soor' is indicative of Promised Messiah." (Chashma-e-Maarifat P.76, Roohani Khazain Vol.23 P.85) "I am Krishna for Hindus." (Lecture Sialkot P.33) "Hay Krishan Ji Roodur Gopal." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56) "It is no good to fight the Brahmin Autar (i.e. Mirza Sahib)." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.116) "King of Aryans." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56) "Amin ul Mulk Jai Singh Bahadur." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.118) "My step is on that minaret where all heights have ended." (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah P.35) "Many thrones descended from heavens but your throne was laid down at the highest point." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56) "God has given me that thing which he had not given to anyone in the world." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.107, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.110) Dear viewers! In these inspirations strange claims and names have been ascribed to Mirza Sahib. We are puzzled how can one person be assigned so many different posts? Is there any Mirzai who can solve these riddles of his leader? Mirza Sahib had written at several places and Mirzais are still beating the same band that in Hadith two different appearances are mentioned of Maseeh Nasiri and Promised Messiah therefore Nasiri Maseeh cannot be according to the two descriptions. But they never think that how can Muhammad, Ahmad, Eisa, Musa, Ibrahim, Krishan, Brahmin Autar, Jai Singh Bahadur etc. etc. gather in the person of Mirza Sahib?????????
Mirza Sahib describes his inspiration: "YaHmadokAllah min Arshehee, YaHmadokAllah wa Yamshee ilaik - God is praising you from his throne, God is praising you and is coming towards you." (Anjam-e-Atham P.55, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.55)
Mirza Sahib did not mention whether God reached him or not!!
Mirza Sahib says that God addressed him in following words: "Antaa Ismee al'Aalaa - (O Mirza) You are my biggest name." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.116)
Oh my! Krishan Qadiani Ji, here you have been quite dazzling. Before publishing this inspiration, you did not even think for a moment what Christians and Arya Samaji would say that before the birth of Mirza sahib, Muslims did not know the big name of Allah and Quran & Hadith were devoid of the description of this BIG name. This new and unique revelation of Mirza shows that the BIG name of God is 'GHULAM AHMAD'!!
Another inspiration of Mirza says: "Anta Madinatul ilm - You are City of Knowledge" (AlBushra Vol.2 P.61)
Our Master and Lord Holy Prophet Muhammad
said: Ana Madinat-ul-'Ilm wa Ali Baaboha - I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its gate. But this Qadiani Krishan says that he is the city of knowledge! O Mirzais! Truly say, you consider Hadith to be true or your Krishan's inspiration?
Mirza Sahib says: "Inni hami ur Rehman - I am the fence of God." (ALBushra Vol.2 P.89)
Dear viewers! Mirza Sahib claims that he is the fence of God, same fence which farmers put around their field, the purpose being to protect their land. It seems that the INSPIRER of Mirza sahib is so weak that he needs Mirza sahib to protect him. This INSPIRER must be as weak and coward as Mirza Sahib, otherwise our God Rehman and Raheem is Omnipotent.
Mirza Sahib got the inspiration: "I will suddenly come to you with possessions; I will make mistakes and will do good deeds." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.79)
O Ahmadi Friends! The 'God' who is sending inspiration to your leader is saying that he will commit mistakes. Does Allah AlMighty, Wahid and Quddous, ever commits a mistake? This inspiration shows that Mirza Sahib who had been trapped whole life in errors and the net of 'Ijtehaadi Ghalti' - Interpretational mistakes, this was not really his fault, rather it was the fault of the one who been sending inspirations to him; it was he who could not get out of this maze of mistakes and forgetfulness. That is why he kept Mirza Sahib trapped in this intricate affair all his life.
Mirza sahib receives inspiration: "I will pray and I will fast; I awake and I sleep. (AlBushra Vol.2 P.79)
Quran-e-Kareem says about Allah: La Takhozohu senatun wa laa naum - He never gets dozed nor does He sleeps. BUT Mirza Sahib's God says that he stays awake and he sleeps. Now it is obligatory on Mirzais that they should announce in front of the world that which concept they consider as true. My Old-time Friends! I will not ask you to say this or that, you have to decide what is correct and what is wrong. And it is really very simple!
Mirza Sahib writes in his most-valued book, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi: "Once I saw God allegorically and I wrote many Prophecies with my own hands, meaning was that these incidents should happen in such and such manner. Then I presented that paper to God for signature and without any hesitation God signed it with an ink pen and at the time of signing, He jerked the pen, which is done when one wants to clear the excessive ink on the nib and then signed; and I was in a state of crying with this thought that how much blessing and bounties of God are on me that whatever I wanted He signed on it without hesitation and I woke up at that instant. And at that time Mian Abdullah Sanwari was squeezing my legs in the room of the mosque when the drops of ink fell on my shirt and his cap. And the strange thing is that the timing of falling the ink drops and jerking the pen was the same, not a difference of a single second. An illiterate person would not understand this and will doubt it because he will consider it only a dream but those who are knowledgeable in spiritual matters he cannot doubt in this matter. Similarly God can bring from non into existence. In short, I related the whole incident to Mian Abdullah Sanwari and the tears were flowing from my eyes. Abdullah who was a witness of this dream, took great effect from it and he kept my shirt as a blessing with him, which is still present with him." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.255, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.267)
O Mirzais! Quran-e-Majeed says 'Laisaa kaMisleHee shaiyun - there is nothing which resembles Allah'. Allah's person is above any similitude. But against this Quranic injunction, Mirza Sahib is writing that he saw allegorically God. Keeping fear of God in mind, tell us how can one see a similitude of someone who is above similitude? And can an Infinite be confined to finite similitude? While answering do not start giving far flung explanations, if you can, quote some verse from Quran which can prove that similitude of Allah is possible.
Another question about this kashf of Mirza sahib is that when he presented these papers to God for signature and He signed them with an ink pen, when the colour of the ink was real and physical (as it came on the shirt and cap) then those papers must also be a physical reality, thus Mirzais should tell us where are those papers? And in which language did God sign those papers? In addition we have the right to ask the contents of those prophecies? And after getting sanction from God, were they fulfilled or not? Moreover we would like to know whether the excessive ink on the nib came with intention of God or without His intention the nib picked up more ink?
Mirza Sahib says: "I saw in my dream that I am in the Court of God waiting for my case, then I hear: O Mirza! Be patient, We will soon be free. Then once I saw that I went into the court, God is sitting in the chair in the form of a Ruler and on one side there is a clerk who is presenting him with some do*****ents. Ruler picked up the do*****ent and said: Is Mirza present? Then I saw closely that beside him there is a vacant chair and He asked me to sit on it and He has the do*****ents in his hands. Then I woke up." (AlBadr Vol.2 No.6 1903; Mukashifaat P.28-29)
Several things are obvious from the above dream.
1. Allah has a body, who works in the court with a table and chair.
3. God needs a clerk like ordinary magistrates.
5. God is so busy in the maze of court cases that he hardly has time to talk to anyone.
7. In Quran Allah says: 'Sa nafrogho ayohas Saqalaan - Soon we will be free to turn towards you O Jinns and Humans' (Surah Rehman). Molvi Mohammad Ali sahib of Lahori Ahmadiyya Jamaat writes in the explanation of this verse in Bayan-ul-Quran:
"Here the meaning of turning towards you is turning towards someone to punish him and ordinary meaning will mean the same thing, that is to give severe punishment because to be free for something is usually spoken mostly on occasions of reprimands."
Thus to be free for Mirza mean that God has given severe reprimand to Mirza that O Mirza we are soon going to give you severe punishment.
O Lahori Mirzais! Tell us quickly for God's sake, did your Krishan Ji Maharaj got severe punishment by Allah in this world or will he receive it on the Day of Qiyamah?
Mirza Sahib's Inspiration says: "Anta minnee ba manzila tawheedee wa tafreedee - Your are from Me like My Oneness and My Person." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.86, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.89)
O Ahmadi Friends! When Allah is Unique, His Oneness and Person is also unique, isn't it? After accepting your leader as God's Oneness and as His Person, can you say that there is partner with God? Can't you understand that when Mirza Sahib becomes like God's Oneness and Person, where does Tawheed (Oneness) remains?
Mirza describes in his inspirations: · "Antaa minnee ba manzilat waladee - You are from me like my son" (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.86, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.89)
· "Anta minnee ba manzila awlaadee - you are from me like my sons." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.65)
· "Maseeh and this humble self (Mirza) has such a station that allegorically we can be called son." (Tawdheeh-e-Maram P.27; Roohani Khazain Vol.3 P.64)
O Mirzais! Your hazrat had said that he is like Quran, and whatever has been revealed will come out of him BUT here manifestly against Quran the inspirations are raining. Quran had denied forcefully that that Allah had not made anyone His son, as it says in Surah Maryam:
88And they say: The Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a son.
89 Assuredly ye utter a disastrous thing,
90 Whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall in ruins,
91 That ye ascribe unto the Beneficent a son,
92 When it is not meet for (the Majesty of) the Beneficent that He should choose a son.
See how forcefully and in terrifying manner Quran is refuting that Allah, the Rehman, had made anyone his son, neither is it worthy of Allah to have one.
O disciples of Mirza! Answer me. Between these two inspirations of your leader which one do you consider to be true and which one to be false? If you consider this inspiration (I am exactly like Quran and same will come out of me what have been revealed by Quran) to be true then what would you say to this inspiration that Mirza is like a son to God? Quran is refuting the belief of begetting for Allah and Mirza's inspiration is making him the son of God!!!
Allah informed Mirza Sahib: "Sirroka Sirree - your secret is my secret." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.129)
"Zahooroka zahooree - your coming is my coming." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.126)
It is very from these two quotations that 'God' told Mirza that O Mirza! Me and you are the same, there is no difference between us. In Christianity father, son and holy ghost, three of them make one God but Mirza did not leave any place for the third one. One God is up there and the other one descended on the earth in the form of Mirza, as mentioned in the inspiration of Mirza: 'God will descend in Qadian' (AlBushra vol.1 P.56) but still there are not two gods, but only one God because the coming of Mirza is the coming of God.
Same doctrine of Mirza sahib is being further explained in these lines: "I saw in my dream that I am exactly God and I believed that I am God, neither my intention remained nor any danger ...... in this capacity (when I was God) I said: We want a new system, new heavens, new earth. Thus I initially created heaven and earth in a condensed form in which there was neither any differentiation nor any arrangement. Then I separated them and arranged them ... and at that moment I found myself capable of doing that. Then I created the first sky and said: 'Inna zaiyanna assamaa addunya be masaabeeha' (We have adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps 67.5). Then I said: We will create human with a potion of clay. Thus I made Adam and I created Adam on the best shape and in this manner I became KHALIQ - Creator." (Aina-e-Kamalaat-e-Islam P.564-565; Roohani Khazain Vol.5 Pp.564-565)
Ahmadi Friends! Tell me and tell me truthfully: Did Mirza Sahib leave anything to become God? Mirza sahib says: I believed that I am exactly God. This is what Pharaoh said: Ana Rabbokum alAla. Tell us what is the difference between these two statements?
Dear viewers! Mirza Sahib did not just say that he is God and created heaven and earth, he had gone a step further saying:
"I had been given the quality of annihilating and giving life." (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah P.23; Roohani Khazain Vol.16 P.23)
At another place, Mirza Sahib mentions his inspiration:
"(O Mirza!) Verily! It is your order. When you want something, you say: Be, and it happens." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.94)
This proves that Mirza sahib has the power of 'Kun fa Yakoon', the quality of giving life and death is also present in Mirza, Mirza sahib created new skies and earth, created Adam as well. Now these Ahmadi friends should tell me what else is left in proclaiming himself to be God?
Dear Viewers! Very briefly in my own words I have presented the Anti Islamic beliefs and claims of Mirza Sahib. Don't be surprised at these complex concocted sayings and inspirations. Truth is that God had given him a free hand, to do whatever he wants to do, as Mirza explained in one of his inspirations:
"O Mirza! Do as you please. I have forgiven you." (AlBadr Qadian Vol.3 No.16,17 P.8)
Thus when his 'God' had lifted all restrictions of Shariat from him, whatever Mirza would have done, it was permitted for him and he did not have any reason to take the trouble of testing them on the yardstick of Quran and Hadith.
Ahmadi Friends! Above contrary to Quran and Hadith sayings of Mirza Sahib forced me to denounce these false beliefs and embrace the true path of Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaat.
Maulana Lal Hussein Akhter
Translated by:
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
P O Box 11560
Dibba Fujairah
United Arab Emirates