عرض المقال :Ahmadiyya Movement and Figures Facts and Fiction
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Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam 20th Sept. 1999

Bismillah ar-Rehman ar-Raheem


Ahmadiyya Movement and Figures

Facts and Fiction


Dr. Syed Rashid Ali


Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred. by C. P. Scott (1846-1932), British author, journalist.



Facts and figures are the most abused modality when it comes to Mirza Ghulam, the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement and his creed. Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani used to play with figures, distorting them at his whim, to deceive his followers and general public. This tradition has been followed by successful generations of Qadianis to this day. For the past several years, Mirza Tahir - the Amir of Ahmadiyya Movement, has been boasting in Jalsa Salana of hundreds of thousands of converts and doubling of that figure by the next year's Jalsa. Not surprisingly we keep hearing by various Qadianis that this prophecy has been coming true. For example Mirza Tahir claimed in 1998:

"During my 16 years of Khilafat, unlimited and uncountable blessings have descended from God. Only in one year 3,000,000 converts to Ahmadiyyat is such a blessing that even the most affluent nations cannot dream of it." (Statement of Mirza Tahir dated 10th June 1998, mentioned in AlFazl International, 26th June - 2nd July 1998 p.4)

"The age that has come now, by the Grace of God, Jamaat has far exceeded from 10,000,000 and those days are coming when every year 10s of millions would enter the Jamaat." (Statement of Mirza Tahir dated 10th June 1998, mentioned in AlFazl International, 26th June - 2nd July 1998 p.6)

Recently a Qadiani wrote on the [qadianism] discussion forum that there were 10 million converts since last year!!

> An Ahmadi Asked: > If ahmadiyyat is wrong then why are people flocking to join ahmadiyyat > since last year they had 10 million converts and the head of ahmadiiyat > Mirza Tahir ahmed had a vision that every year it will double

10 million converts since July 1998 !  Is such a figure reliable? It takes a really 'naive' person to believe such boastful claims. Are there any independent means of verification of such claims? Very difficult to do a census for Qadianis on an international scale. However the past census performed by the Britishers in India in 1911 and 1931 are on record to expose the fallacy of such claims.  What is the track record of this Jamaat regarding such claims in the past?   


For example, he promised to write Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya in 50 volumes and took advance payment from Muslims for it. From 1880 - 1884 he wrote 4 volumes. After 4 volumes, he stopped writing the book. Instead he wrote and sold for the next 25 years 80 other books, books which are today collectively known as 'Roohani Khazain'. After 25 years he wrote the fifth volume of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya and in its preface he wrote:

"At first I had intended to write in 50 volumes, but I was contended with writing 5 volumes and since the difference between 50 and 5 is a mere ZERO, my promise (of writing 50) is fulfilled by writing 5 volumes." (Roohani Khazain vol.21 p.9)

In a similar manner, he announced writing Arba'een in 40 parts. (Arba'een means 40 in Arabic) After writing 4 parts he again stopped writing the book and wrote:

"Just as God had initially fixed 50 prayers then reduced it to 5 in place of 50, similarly according to the Sunnah of Rabb-e-Kareem, I reduce for the sake of viewers and place number 4 instead of 40." (Arba'een No.4, Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.442)


Mirza Ghulam in his lifetime had claimed in various books that he has hundreds of thousands of followers who have taken oath with him. He wrote:

"God had filled the cities of Punjab and India with my followers. In few years more than 100,000 people have taken oath with me." (Risala Tohfatun Nadwa, Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.101)

"I can declare on oath that at least 100,000 people in Jamaat are such that they have accepted me with sincere honesty and perform righteous deeds and on hearing (my) talk, they cry so much that the neck of their shirts become wet." (Mirza Ghulam's saying mentioned in Seeratul Mahdi, part 1 p.165, Narration no. 157. by Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam)

" God had honoured me from all aspects. Thus it is an occasion of thousands of gratitude that nearly 400,000 persons have repented at my hands from their sins and kufr." (Tutamma Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.553)

"I always advice with great stress the people of my Jamaat, who are present in different parts of Punjab and Hindustan, whose count have reached several hundred thousands by the Grace of God, that they should always this teachings of mine which I have been instilling in their minds with my speeches and writings for the last 26 years, that is that they should fully obey this British Government." (Advertisement entitled 'Important Instructions to my Jamaat', Collection of Advertisement, vol.3 p.583)

Like father like son. The official Qadiani propaganda newspapers also followed suit in making such boastful claims. AlBadr, The Qadiani Newspaper, wrote the following editorial entitled 'Yaad-e-ayyam-e-salf nay haaey kyaa tarpaa dya' (O! How the memories of the people of bygone days have made me restless). Editor writes:

"(O Maseeh Mowood) your courage, your perseverance, your determination, is evident from this fact that for other Prophets the only task was to get the people accept that they are Prophets, but for you there were two difficulties: one that another Prophet can come and second that you are a prophet. Thus you instilled these things as the article of faith in 400,000 people." (AlBadr Newspaper, Qadian, vol.8 no.30 p.4 dated 20th May 1909, Qadiani Mazhab 1995 edition, p.500)

"After reading this sentence (mentioned above) is there any doubt that in 1909 a Jamaat of 400,000 used to accept Maseeh Mowood, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam as prophet?" (AlFazl Newspaper, Qadian, vol.11 no. 67 p.4 dated 26 Feb 1924, Qadiani Mazhab 1995 edition, p.500)

When the so-called prophet/messiah/mahdi can make such claims to boost the moral of his Jamaat, why should the successor remain behind. Mirza Basheeruddin Mahmud, the second Khalifa, said the same thing.  

"I can tell you approximately the number of followers of Jamaat, it is a Jamaat of 400,000 - 500,000 people. Ghair mubaeen (Lahori group) will have 1000 people with them." (Statement of Mirza Basheer in the court of Sub judge Gurdaspur, mentioned in AlFazl Newspaper Qadian 26th, 29th June 1922, vol.9, no.101-102, p.6, Qadiani Mazhab 1995 edition, p.500)

"We 400,000 Ahmadis are prepared to give our hands in your (hindus) hands if you are prepared to accept  the conditions mentioned in Paigham." (Announcement of Khwaja Kamaluddin, dated 15th June 1908 mentioned in Paigham Sulh p.2, Qadiani Mazhab 1995 edition, p.501)

"In the court case of Akhbar 'Mubahila, Qadiani witnesses described the total following of 1,000,000. In 1930, according to the Qadiani writer of the book 'Kaukab Daree' 2,000,000 Qadianis are present worldwide. September 1932 in the debate in Bheerah (Punjab), Molvi Mubarak Ahmad Saheb, Professor Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian, described the Qadiani following as 5,000,000. Recentl;y Abdur Raheem Dard, Qadiani Muballigh, gave a statement to Mr. Philby in England that among the Muslims of Punjab, the majority are Qadianis. There are 15,000,000 Muslims in Punjab. this means according to Mr. Abdur Raheem Dard there are more than 7,500,000 Qadianis in Punjab." (Risala Shamsul Islam, Bheerah, Punjab, vol.5 No.10, Qadiani Mazhab 1995 edition, p.501)

"Khawaja Hasan Nizami Saheb claims that Mian (Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifa Qadian) Saheb can never show the list of 20,000 mureeds because according to Khawaja Saheb the total number of Ahmadis in Hindustan is not more than 18000. I do not know that what kind of definite reasons have reached Khawaja Saheb that he labelled a Jamaat of 4 -5 lacs merely a Jamaat of 18,000. Yes, there is no doubt that the claim of Mian Saheb that he is the Imam of 4 - 5 lac (400,000 - 500,000) Jamaat is absolutely baseless ... ." (Akhbar Paigham Sulh, Lahore vol.5 No.59 dated 6th February 1918)

But when the census was conducted by the British Govt. in 1911 and 1931, the whole myth of Ahmadiyya Movement Growth exploded and the lies of Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani and his successors were shamefully exposed. The total strength of Qadiani followers in Punjab, the Qadiani stronghold, was 55,908 (in 1921 census it was 28,816) (Census of Punjab 1931, Part 1 - Report, p.313, by Khan Ahmad Hasan Khan, M.A., K.S., Superintendent of Census Operations, Punjab & Delhi)

Dear Readers! Now it should be very clear to everyone how Jamaat has been decieving people, including Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani, his followers and their newspapers. Mirza Tahir, the 4th successor of Mirza Ghulam, is no exception.

"During my 16 years of Khilafat, unlimited and uncountable blessings have descended from God. Only in one year 3,000,000 converts to Ahmadiyyat is such a blessing that even the most affluent nations cannot dream of it." (Statement of Mirza Tahir dated 10th June 1998, mentioned in AlFazl International, 26th June - 2nd July 1998 p.4)

"The age that has come now, by the Grace of God, Jamaat has far exceeded from 10,000,000 and those days are coming when every year 10s of millions would enter the Jamaat." (Statement of Mirza Tahir dated 10th June 1998, mentioned in AlFazl International, 26th June - 2nd July 1998 p.6)

Lo and behold! Just as Mirza Ghulam had lied to his followers about the growth of Jamaat, similarly his previous successors and present khalifa, Mirza Tahir had been decieving their followers years after years at Jalsa Salana about the growth of Jamaat!

I hope that Qadianis will try to see the truth in the light of above facts. Mirza Tahir is desperately trying on the one hand to boost the morale of his followers and on the other to impress his patrons in the West, that there benevolence is bearing fruit and Ahmadiyya Movement is replacing Islam as the fastest growing religion.  Only a very stupid and idiot person will believe such propaganda. Facts speak for themselves. Wake up before it is too late.

Haqeeqat chup naheen saktee banawat kay usoolon say (Truth cannot be hidden by deceptive principles) Khushboo aa naheen saktee kaaghaz kay phoolon say (Fragrance cannot be emited by paper flowers)

Wassalam on those who follow the hidayah

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali P O Box 11560 Dibba AlFujairah United Arab Emirates http://alhafeez.org/rashid rasyed@emirates.net.ae

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