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THE KALIMA IN AHMADIYYAT Abuse of Muslim Personages and Epithets AAMI April 25th, 1996

Part 6.7


  Ahmadiyya Jamaat and their followers today pretend to be the champions of Islam, claiming to have exemplary character. They go to extra length to advertise that Muslims have labelled them Kaafir whereas they are very peace-loving sect of Islam, who has never labelled anyone KAAFIR. They raise the slogan: LOVE FOR ALL, HATRED FOR NONE. However in real life all these claims fly in the face. The founder of Ahmadiyya Movement, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, has this to say about the Muslims (non-Ahmadi Muslims)

"Except for the CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE, whose hearts have been sealed by God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted me."

(Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)  

"God has revealed to me that anyone to whom my message has reached and he has not accepted me , he is not a muslim."

(Letter of Mirza to Dr. Abdul Hakeem Khan Patialvi)  

"I have God's inspiration that he who does not follow you and will not enter your Ba'ith and remain your opponent, he is disobedient of God and His Prophet, Hellish."

(Advertisement in M'ayaar-ul-Akhyar by Mirza Ghulam p.8)  

"Thus remember as God has informed me, it is forbidden and absolutely forbidden to pray behind any disbeliever and hesitant; but is should be that your imam should be one of you." (Arbaeen No 3, Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.417 footnote)


Some one asked a question and Mirza has replied to it. Both are mentioned in his book, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi. I quote:"Question: Huzoor-e-aali has mentioned in thousands of places that it is not at all right to call KAFIR a Kalima-go (one who recites a Kalima) and an Ahle-Qibla. It is quite obvious that except those Momineen who become Kafir by rejecting you, just by not accepting you no one becomes a Kafir. But you write to Abdul Hakeem Khan that anyone who has recieved my message and he has not accepted me, he is not muslim. There is contradiction between this statement and the statements in previous books. Earlier in Tiryaq-ul-Quloob etc you had mentioned that no one becomes Kafir by not accepting you and now you are writing that by rejecting me he becomes a Kafir.Answer: This is strange that you consider the person who rejects me and the person who calls me Kafir as two different persons, whereas in the eyes of God he is the same type; because he who does not accept me is because he considers me a fabricator.... apart from this, he who does not accept me, he does not believe in God and His Prophet as well, because there is God92s and his Prophet's prophecy regarding me"

(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.167)  

"It is our obligation that we do not consider non-ahmadis as muslims and do not pray behind them, because for us they have rejected one prophet (Mirza Ghulam) of God. This is a religious matter and no one has any right to do anything in it."

(Anwar-e-Khilafat, by Mirza Mahmood, Khalifa 2, p.90)  

"All muslims who are not included in the initiation of Maseeh Mowood, even if they have not heard the name of Maseeh Mowood, they are Kafir and out of the fold of Islam. I admit that these are my beliefs."

(Aina-e-Sadaqat, by Mirza Mahmood, 2nd Khalifa, p.35) 

"Every one who accepts Moses but not Eisa or accepts Eisa but not Mohammad or accepts Mohammad but not Maseeh Mowood, he is not only Kafir but a hardened Kafir and is out of the fold of Islam.

(Kalimat-alFasl by Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam p.110)  

Question: "Is it permitted to say May God Bless the departed soul, forgive him and send him to Paradise for a person who was not included in Ahmadiyyat?"

Answer: "The KUFR of non-Ahmadis is proven by evident signs and it is not permitted to ask for forgiveness for non-believers (KUFFAR)." (Al-Fazl Qadian vol.8, No. 59, 7th Feb 1921)  

"Non-Ahmadis are the disbelievers therefore their funeral prayers should not be offered, but if an infant of non-ahmadi dies, why should we not pray his funaral prayer, he is not a disbeliever of Maseeh Mowood? I ask the inquirer, that if this is true than why don't we offer funeral prayer of a Hindu or a Christian child? How many people offer their funeral prayer?" (Anwar-e-Khilafat, Mirza Mahmood, 2nd Khalifa, p.93)


"It is the order of Hazrat Maseeh Mowood and firm order that no ahmadi should give his daughter to non-ahmadi. It is obligatory on every ahmadi to carry it out..... there is great loss in it, besides this marriage is not permitted."

(Barakat-e-Khilafat by Mirza Mehmood p.73)  

"Our prayers are separate from Non-ahmadis, it is forbidden to give our girls to them, we are stopped to offer their funeral prayers. Now what is left that we can participate with them? There are only two kinds of relations - religious and worldly. For religious relations, it is the gathering for prayers and for worldly relations, it is the marriage and both are forbidden for us."

(Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam, Kalimat alFasl p.169)  

"The point is now quite clear. If it is 'Kufr' (infedility) to deny the

Gracious Prophet (Muhammad pbuh), it must also be 'Kufr' to deny the Promised Messiah, because the Promised Messiah is in no way a separate being from the Gracious Prophet; rather he is the same (Muhammad incarnate). If anyone is not deemed a Kafir for denying the Promised Messiah, then anyone else who denies the Gracious Prophet also cannot be considered a Kafir. How is it possible that denying him in his first birth as Prophet should be regarded as Kufr, but denying him in his (reincarnated) second birth as prophet should not be regarded as Kufr, when, as claimed by the Promised Messiah, his (Mirza's birth as Muhammad incarnate) spiritual attainment is stronger, complete and severe." (Kalimatul Fasl, pages 146-147, as cited in the Review of Religions, dated March-April 1915)  

"Any person who believes in Moses but does not believe in Christ, or believes in Christ but does not believe in Muhammad, or believes in Muhammad but does not believe in the Promised Messiah, is not only a Kafir, but a 'pakka' (confirmed) Kafir, and (he is) out of the fold of Islam."

(Kalimatul Fasl, page 110, by Mirza Bashir Ahmad, M.A.)  

"All such Muslims who did not swear allegiance to the promised Masih (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian), even though they did not hear the name of the Promised Masih, are Kafir and debarred from the fold of Islam."

(Aiena-e-Sadaqat, page 35, by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Qadiani).  



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