عرض المقال :New Qadiani Conspiracy against Pakistan
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اسم المقال : New Qadiani Conspiracy against Pakistan
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Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam 14 December 2000

Bismillah Al-Rehman Al-Raheem

A New Conspiracy in Offing

Qadiani Hierarchy is never behind in their anti-Islamic and anti-Pakistan activities. In recent months, ever since the Military Government has taken over in Pakistan, Mirza Tahir has once again been having dreams of somehow returning to Pakistan by getting the blasphemy law repealed, anti-Qadiani law scrapped. His initial euphoria did not last long. After an initial confusion about the status of constitution following military takeover, it became obvious that General Pervaiz has no intention of repealing the islamic clauses especially the blasphemy law and the constitution is not suspended, as hoped by Mirza Tahir, all his hopes dashed of coming back to Pakistan. Qadianis started issuing threatening statements against General Perviaz Musharraf, a response to which appeared on our website as well by Brother Gulzar Anwar.

However it seems that behind the scenes activities have been continuing. Anti-Pakistani forces and Anti-Islamic elements in and out of Pakistan are still out to punish Pakistan for its Islamic stand. And nothing can be a better way than to put economic pressure on the rulers. Readers will remember the statement given by US stooge and World Bank employee, former care-taker prime minister, Moeen Qureshi. Moeen Qureshi demanded repeal of blasphemy laws and re-amendment of Provisional Constitutional Order to delete provisions declaring Qadianis as non-Muslims as a pre-condition to his accepting the post of Prime Ministership. God knows who invited him for this post!

Next came another bouncer. Pakistan is once again going through its worst economic crisis. And lo and behold! who comes to the rescue? IMF approved 596 Million Dollars loan to Pakistan - Daily Ummat Karachi dated 1st December 2000. As everyone knows such loans come with lots of strings attached. One would not be surprised if among them are control of defense budget, increased tolearnce towards religious minorities which in essence means increased freedom to Qadianis in Pakistan, which naturally would result in more ugly scenes of confrontation between Muslims and Qadianis, thereby helping to reinforce the stereotypical intolerant/fundamentalist/terrorist image that is systematically being carved for Pakistan.

Another new development is the following statement by Mirza Tahir.

Start an International Qadiani Operation from January Pakistan is an ideal state to promote Qadianism Time has come to dominate the world Attract people towards our jamaat by making them secular

Statement of Mirza Tahir (Daily Ummat, Karachi. dated 1st December 2000, main front page)

The central leader of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani has issued instructions to start international Qadiani operation from January. Addressing on thursday (30th November) on MTA, Qadiani satellite channel, he said that now time has come that Qadianism dominate all over the world, for this Qadiani operation is being started from January. He said: Get up and conquer the whole world. He said that I am very happy with the propagation of Qadianiyat in Pakistan and people are entering it in groups. He said that in Pakistan, people should be made to enter Qadianism by making them secular. Mirza Tahir said that the reports that have been sent to us by the preachers in Pakistan, it is clearly apparent that Pakistan is the most suitable country for propagating Qadianism. During his speech Tahir Qadiani lauded the efforts of Dr Anas Qadiani and Dr Mehmood Ahmad Qadiani who are engaged in actively propagating Qadianism in Pakistan and said that these persons have rapidly spread the Qadiani mission in Pakistan. Tahir Qadiani said that we are recieving some reports that Pakistani Government is planning to place hurdles in the propagation of Qadianism in Pakistan and wants to restrict Qadianis. (which means that until now there were no hurdles nor restrictions on Qadianis! - Rashid) but now it depends on you how you go ahead with the propagation of Qadianism. He said that our religion teaches us that whoever becomes a hurdle in the way of religion, demolish it. He said that as the followers of Shia, similarly I want to get Qadianism accepted in Pakistan and soon we will (who are we? IMF? US? - Rashid) force Pakistani Government to formally accept Qadianism as a religion and give them religious freedom. In the end he said that the pace of propagation of Qadianism in Pakistan should be increased further, he said that in January he will address those Muslims who have entered the fold of Qadianism in Pakistan.

According to our sources, this speech continued for two hours, it was broadcasted at 8 am and continued until 10 am Pakistani time. This speech was broadcasted all over the world, whereas large number of Qadianis in Pakistan listened to this braodcasts in their places of worship. According to our sources, Dr Mehmood Ahmad Qadiani has announced in their centres that anyone who will convert one Muslim to Qadianism will be rewarded Rs 25,000 cash whereas if he converts an entire family, he will be rewarded from Rs. 200,000 to 500,000. According to our sources, dr Anas and Dr Mehmood Qadiani had called a meeting in Okara on 9th November which was attended by all the leaders of Qadiani NGOs in Pakistan. The NGOs have been instructed to visit rural backward areas in Pakistan and preach Qadianism in the poor people residing there, free them from the clutches of land lords and bring them close to Qadianism. According to sources, there are more than 100 Qadiani NGOs operating in Pakistan, which are controlled by the Qadiani center at 16-18 Gressenhall Road London SW18 5QL. All these NGOs have their control in London in the hands of Mubarak Ahmad Qadiani son of Mirza Tahir Qadiani, who is engaged in actively utilising these NGOs in Pakistan. Mirza Tahir's son, Mubrak Ahmad visited Pakistan in 1997. He came to Pakistan from London under the false identity of Zair Ahmad and stayed for one month, where he stayed in Sindh for 14 days. Mirza Mubarak Ahmad remained in Karachi for 9 days, where his stay was organised in a house in the compound of a AlNoor hospital in AlNoor Society; another residence for Mubarak Ahmad was the Qadiani center in Gulshan-e-Iqbal block 4. According to sources, during his visit to Pakistan, all NGOs in the country met him.

A full (intelligence) report about Mubarak Ahmad's visit to Pakistan and his meeting with various NGOs and his activities related to continuation of propagation of Qadianism, was submitted to the then Government but for unknown reasons no action was taken. According to sources, a high ranking official of Indian Army met Mirza Tahir in London in 1996 and requested to establish a training camp of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in the Eastern Punjab town of Qadian, upon which Mirza Tahir had made a condtion that if RAW also give training to their youths as well, then they would give permission to open a training camp in Qadian. The officer agreed for that and in 1996 Indian Intelligence Agency RAW opened the training camp in Qadian. Immediately after the establishment of this camp, Mirza Tahir instructed Dr Afzal Ahmad, the then Qadiani leader in Pakistan, to send youths for training to Qadian. According to sources, Dr Afzal Ahmad sent 80 youths to Qadian, they belonged to Interior Sindh, KArachi, Okara, Sialkot, Lahore, Mirpurkhas, Multan, Quetta and Jhelum. These youths were first gathered in Jhelum, where Chaidhery Nazar Ahmad addressed these 80 youths that: you have to fight for the propagation of Qadianism, therefore now the time has come to take the training for fighting. Chaudhery Nazar Ahmad gave impression to these youths that this training camp in Qadian belongs to Jamia Ahmadiyya. According to source, these youths were sent through the border town of Shakergarh to the Eastern Punjab town of Qadian. Qadian is just 25-30 kilometer from Shakergarh and the illegal activities of Qadianis are controlled from this area. An intelligence agency had reported to the Federal government in 1998 in which it was mentioned that large number of Qadianis are entering Pakistan through Shakergarh but no action was taken by the government. According to sources, presently Shakergarh is mostly populated by Qadianis.

According to reports recieved by Daily Umma on 27th February 2000, a resident of Orangi Town, Tawheed Colony, Mohammed Abdullah Nawab, alongwith his wife Kulsoom NAwab, daughters Azra Nawab, Uzma Nawab and sons Faiz Nawab and Liaqat Nawab, became Qadiani under the influence of preaching from Qadiani preaching incharge, dr Tawqeer Ahmad. According to sources, Abdullah Nawab had a tailoring shop at Urdu Chawk, Orangi Town. which caught fire on 7th August 1999 due to an electrical short circuit, as a result Mohammad Nawab lost his mind. Taking advantage of this situation, Dr Tawqeer Ahmad, started preaching him Qadianism. In September Dr Tawqeer gave lent him Rs 10,000 so that he can pay back the some of his loans of his neighbours. Later Dr Tawqeer used to take him to the Qadiani place of worship in Orangi Town, during which time he tempted Abdullah that if he becomes Qadiani, a business will be setup for him, his daughters would be married with great pomp. Upon this Abdullah was compelled to embrace Qadianism along with his whole family.

Sources say that Abdullah kept going to the Qadiani place of worship for 4 months with Dr Tawqeer Ahmad. During this period, Dr Tawqeer kept assistance him financially, but till then he did not do anything to setup his business. In the first week of July 2000, Abdullah Nawab pressurised Dr Tawqeer that he should help him to setup his business so that he is no longer dependent on him. Upon this Dr Tawqeer said that we have to be sure that you have really become Qadiani, then only we would setup your business. Meanwhile, a religious organisation of the locality heard about Abdullah Nawab's apostacy, they took him to the Imam of the local mosque, who gave him a lecture and Abdullah reverted to Islam. When Dr Tawqeer learnt of this, he went to Abdullah to find out the truth, upon which Abdullah told him clearly that he will not accept Qadiani religion. Hearing this Dr Tawqeer asked him to return Rs. 50,000 that he had borrowed from him. Sources said that Abdullah asked him to allow a time period of one month but he could not collect Rs. 50,000 during this time. Dr Tawqeer started threatening him by various means and offered him that if he returns to the fold of Qadianism this loan would be written off otherwise he would throw him behind bars and abduct his daughters and he would not be able to show his face anywhere. When Dr Tawqeer's threats had no effect on Abdullah, he filed a complain on 11th September in Orangi Town Police Station, stating that Abdullah had taken a loan of Rs. 50,000 and that he is not returning it and threatening him. Using his influence, on 21st September Dr Tawqeer sent CIA police to the house of Abdullah Nawab. Sources say that scared of Dr Tawqeer's threats, Abdullah Nawab has left his house and is now residing in Sector 5-E, New Karachi.

Pak. plan to amend blasphemy law By B. Muralidhar Reddy http://www.indiaserver.com/thehindu/stories/03070009.htm

  ISLAMABAD, DEC. 6. This news report is published in an Indian newspaper says that the military government in Pakistan is once again thinking of introducing some changes in the blasphemy law. Few months back also Gen. Pervez Musharraf had tried to make changes in the registration of blasphemy cases but backed out because of reaction from religious parties and groups. According to the newspaper, the Federal Minister for Minorities, Mr. D. Ghazi, has stated that the Government is considering introduction of a provision in the law, which would make it more easier to award punishment to those who file fake cases.

What would be the exact extent of changes in blasphemy law and its impact on the status on Qadianis is not yet known. But it is worth noting that blasphemy law makes it illegal to insult to all Prophets of God equally, not just Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. Qadianis are particularly vociferous against this law. It seems that they want the right to INSULT the Prophets of Allah (Jesus and Muhammad pbut), otherwise why else would they oppose such a law?

In another recent development, officials of Khatme Nabuwwat Movement have sent an email message to Gen Pervaiz Musharraf protesting the increasing excesses being commited by Qadianis according to a report published in Daily Ummat.

ISLAMABAD (Ummat Reporter) 10th December 2000: Leaders of Aalami Majlis Tahaffuz-e-Khatme Nabuwwat had sent a letter to Gen Perviaz Musharraf in which they have requested him to take immediate notice of increased activities of Qadianis in the country as well as at official level getting facilities more than their rights and requested him to put a stop to these things. The patron-in-chief of Khatme Nabuwwat, Maulana Khawaja Khan Muhammad, Deputy leader Syed Nafees Shah and other leaders have mentioned in their email that in this country Qadianis are getting facilities more than what is their right, in Chanab Nagar (former Rabwa) through conspiracy Qadianis are being alloted plots reserved for Muslims in Muslim Colony. Not only that, Mirza Tahir has recently announced that he would make Sindh the second Rabwa.  Religious scholars has also expressed their concern that Qadianis are making their places of worship in the shape of mosques. Scholars have mentioned in their letter that since Qadianis are not ready to accept the formation of Pakistan and they have the belief of United India, then despite they being declared a religious minority, why are they getting so much facilities? Religious scholars demanded that in accordance with the anti-Qadiani ordinance, the illegal propagating activities of Qadianis and delibrate constructions of their places of worships in the form of mosques be stopped forthwith. Meanwhile in Friday sermons scholars expressed their concern at the increased pace of Qadiani activities and requested the government to take notice of such illegal activities.....they said that by declaring their intentions of making Sindh a Second Rabwa, Mirza Tahir has made it clear that Qadiani activities in Pakistan have increased. On this occasion scholars expressed their determination that they would peacefully continue their constitutional and legal fight against Qadianis. (Daily Ummat, Karachi, dated 10th December 2000)

To summarise the whole thing, with the military takeover, Qadianis rejoiced that the constitution and therefore its anti-Qadiani clauses are suspended, but this was shortlived. Later under international pressure Gen Musharraf tried to alter the blasphemy law, but failed. Now when the economic crises in Pakistan is looming on the horizon, Qadianis in collabration with IMF and other anti-Pakistani_anti-Islamic international lobby is trying once again to achieve their goals. Moeen Qureshi, the US/IMF stooge, issued a statement outlining his conditions, one of them being the repeal of blasphemy and anti-Qadiani law. It is not a coincidence that after spelling out these conditions, IMF finally gives massive loans to Pakistan (with surely many strings attached) and at the same time Mirza Tahir comes out with an International Qadiani Operation directed especially against Pakistan. This time Mirza Tahir hopes that he would force Pakistan (through US and IMF) to give Qadiani same status as Shia. But inshaAllah such dreams, like all his past dreams, will never come true.

Wassalam on those who follow the hidayah

Dr. Rashid

S. Rashid Ali  


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