عرض المقال :Prophecy of Plague part 2
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اسم المقال : Prophecy of Plague part 2
كاتب المقال: admin

AlFatwa International 27 (Urdu)

An Open Letter to Mirza Tahir, Imam Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya

Part II


Plague and Mirza's Business

People were afraid of Plague but opportunistic and worldly persons like Mirza Ghulam do not hesitate in taking advantage of this life and death situation. First Mirza made propaganda about one prophet of God being disbelieved therefore God have sent plague, then he made propaganda that his house and those in it will be safe from this punishment. When people desperately started writing to him, then he devilishly forwarded his plan. He appealed for donation to enlarge his house:

"Since it is highly likely that in future the plague will spread in the country and our house ... has become very congested and you people have heard the God given a promise of special protection for anyone who will be in the boundary of this house ... in my opinion this villa can be readied in Rs 2000 (which is a million rupees by todays standard). Since it is probable that the time for plague is near and according to the gladtidings of revelation, in this storm of plague, this house will be like Noah's Ark, I do not who will the share in this promise of gladtiding, therefore this task (of extending the house of Mirza) is of urgent nature. Trust in God, who is the Creator and Provider and watches over the good deeds, and you should try. I have seen that although this house of mine is like an ARK, but in future there is no place in this ark for any man or woman and that is why there is need for its extension." (Kishtee-e-Noah, Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.86)

SubHanAllah. Public is being instructed to trust the Creator and Provider, but himself Mirza Ghulam has not the slightest of that trust. He looks towards the pockets of people for his needs. As many followers, that much donation! Bravo Mirza Qadiani.

Mirza Ghulam's Revelations

It is the sunnah of Allah that He extends the rope of tyrant and arrogant, so that they advance in their insolence so that they close all doors for their return. In case of Plague, something similar happened with Mirza Ghulam. The extension given to him by Allah decieved him. He kept blustering about his revelation, and with each so-called revelation, his snobbery reached new heights. Every day he started issuing new so-called revelations. About his revelations, Mirza boasted:

"I have similar faith on my revelation as on Torah and Injeel and Quran." (Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.454)

Then on 23rd April 1902, Mirza wrote a book, 'Dafe-ul-Bala'. From this book and from other book, I will present some examples of Mirza's revelation related to Plague.

"The revelation of God that descended on me, its wordings are this: 'InnAllaha Laa yogaiyero maa beqaumin hatta yogaiyero maa beunfosehim, innahoo awal qarya' meaning that God has decided that He will never remove this punishment of Plague unless people remove those thoughts that are there in their hearts that is unless they do not accept the one who is appointed by God and His Prophet, till then plague will not be removed. And that Mighty God will protect Qadian from the destruction by Plague, so that you may realise that Qadian is protected only because God's prophet and messenger was in Qadian. Now see that this is proven in last three years that both these points have been fulfilled; that is on the one hand plague had spread all over Punjab and on the other hand despite that the plague has spread within two miles of Qadian but Qadian is still safe from plague, instead till now any plague-infected person who had entered Qadian from outside, he is also cured. Can there be any more proof? Things which were said earlier, had been fulfilled, instead this news of plague was also published 22 years in Braheen Ahmadiyya." (Dafe-al-Bala, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.225-226)

"Now from all this revelation, three things are proven: 1) Firstly that Plague has come in this world because God's Promised Messiah was not only rejected but he was also given pain. ... 2) Second thing that is proven by this revelation is that this plague will only vanish when people will accept this messenger of God .... 3) Third thing that is proven by this revelation is that God will in any case protect Qadian from this horrendous destruction as long as plague remains in this world, even if it is for 70 years, because this is the place of His Messenger's throne and a sign for all nations." (Dafe-al-Bala, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p. 229-230)

"God is not such that he will punish people in Qadian and you are living amongst them. He will protect this village from the afflictions and destruction of plague. If I had no consideration for you, and had no honour for you, I would have destroyed this village." (Tazkirah p.436; Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.227)

"If I had no regard for your honour, I would have destroyed this village. I will save everyone within the boundaries of this house. No one among them will die from plague or earthquake. God is not such that He will punish them and you are among them." (Tazkirah p.645)

"When the fire of plague is raging, then can any fabricator say that 'If I had no regard for your honour, I would have destroyed this village'. Was it not possible that this fabricator himself had died and was a victim of plague? At present Qadian is like Makkah, in that the people are dying around it and by the Grace of God here there is absolute peace." (Malfoozaat vol.5 p.369)

"At present there is plague two kilometers away all around Qadian and Qadian presently is like a boat which is surrounded by severe storm and it is moving in the river." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 p.32)

Present Khalifa, Mirza Tahir A Qadiani says:

"When Hazrat Maseeh Mowood announced the prophecy of Plague and Plague had not yet appeared, then he said that God has informed him that epidemic of Plague is going to spread which would come as a divine punishment because I have been rejected." (Homeopathy - Ilaaj bil Misl vol.1 p.550 Mercury)

In Summary

Dear Readers!

Six things are evident from what is quoted above:

1.     Qadian is the seat of a Messenger of God (which is Mirza Ghulam)

2.     Plague has spread as a Divine Punishment because a Messenger of God (Mirza Saheb) has been rejected.

3.     Plague will not subside until people have accepted the Messenger of God.

4.     Qadian will be absolutely safe from Plague, not a single person will die of this Plague.

5.     Anyone who is suffering from Plague, when he enters Qadian, he is cured of this disease.

6.     In Qadian getting affected by Plague will be a sign of Mirza Ghulam as a Liar.

How Plague Played Havoc in Qadian

Did Qadian remain immune from Plague? Did Mirza's God fulfil His promises upto the dot? Did all those living in Punjab ultimately accept Mirza Ghulam as a Prophet and Messenger of God?

When we analyse the facts, it becomes evident that Allah had delibrately delayed the arrival of Plague in Qadian to give Mirza Ghulam a chance to blurt out all his carnal desires in the form of prophecies, so that he cannot wriggle out of it. No sooner had Mirza Ghulam made his egotistical claims, hidden hands of Allah surrounded him. How Plague ravaged Qadian is evident from the following quotes:

"And then during the days of Plague, when Plague was raging in Qadian, my son Shareef Ahmad became sick, and he gpt high grade fever which caused my son to become unconcious, and started having fits in unconcious state." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi - Truth about Revelation, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.87 footnote)

"My Beloved My dear Nawab Saheb Assalamo alaikum wr wb. I feel sad after reading that my dear Abdur Rehman Khan has again developed fever. May God give him cure. Now I am dumbstruck that what advice can I give you about coming here soon. I have started praying aagain, may God give him cure. At this place Plague is wildly raging. A person gets fever and within few hours he is dead. God knows best when this affliction will end. Public is extremely scared. Trust for life has vanished. Screams and cries are coming from all sides. It is doomsday everywhere. Now what can I say, what advice can I give? I am extremely bewildered what to do." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.4 Letter No.36 p.112)

"You must consult the doctor and then according to his advice without waiting come to Qadian. Here Plague is raging wildly. Yesterday eight people died. May Allah have His blessing and mercy." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.4 Letter No.38 p.114)

SubHanAllah! See how cleverly Mirza Ghulam is giving permission to one of his followers to come to Qadian (which he cannot refuse after so much propaganda of his Divine Ark, and at the same time attempting to discourage him from coming to Qadian, by mentioning the situation of Plague in Qadian, how many died and by asking him to take advice of the doctor, probably praying in his heart that he should not come.!!

"At this place in Qadian, nowadays Plague is wildly raging. Nearly all surrounding villages have vanished." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.4 Letter No.36 p.112-115)

"Elderly Ghausan (probably a housemaid) got fever. She was expelled from the house, but i think she is not suffering from Plague, only as a precautionary measure she has been expelled. "Master Mohammed Deen got the fever, gland has also enlarged. He has also been expelled from the house. Anyway in our place also plague has started raging." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.4 Letter No.38 p.115)

What a Prophet of God!!!! What an inhuman gesture!! Throwing out the poor lady and poor man, with no regard to the propaganda he did about his house being safe as guaranteed by God. Man may also have donated for the extension of house, but who cares!! Propbably Mirza himself did not believe in all those prophecies and reassurances given to him by his God.

"Today the son of Mian Mohammed Fazal, editor of the newspaper, is also on deathbed, he has Pneumonic plague, it seems that he is breathing his last. There are cires everywhere. May God have His blessing." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.4 Letter No.53 p.131)

Mirza Ghulam came up with a cure for an Infectious Disease: "Ya Hafeez, Ya Aziz, Ya Rafiq. Rafiq is a new name of God which never mentioned before in the list of Asma-e-Ilahi (99 names of Allah)." (Malfoozaat vol.6 p.135)

"My Master, My Respected Brother Seth Saheb! (SubHanAllah! A Seth - a financiar - is the Master of Mirza!!! Author) Assalamo alaikum wr wb For a long time I have not recieved a letter from your honour. I am extremely worried and disturbed. May God protect you from calamities. Here Plague is raging so much that it is like an Armageddon." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.1 Letter No.91 p.39)

"Plague is still around. This is not desicive that Plague has gove. Remember that God never leaves a fabricator unpunished." (Mafoozaat vol.9 p.400)

Dear Ahmadi Brothers!! We also say the samething. Allah never leaves a liar unpunished. Hold your breath and read carefully. Mirza Ghulam was a liar that is why Allah afflicted him with plague and let him taste hell in this world:

"As an example I state that by HELL in my inspirations, plague is meant." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.583)

"Plague is very active in this region, I have heard that one or two suspicious cases have taken occured in Amritsar as well. Few days back I also developed a gland on my body, initially some serious symptoms appeared. But by some Grace of God, its severity subsided. Then on another arm glands enlarged. And this Plague affects the joints. Thus some glands appear behind ears r in the groin, or axilla or at some joints as joints of the arms or legs along with fever." ((Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.4 Letter No.38 p.115)

"My Master, My Brother Seth Saheb. Assalamo alaikum wr wb I recieved the news of your wellbeing through your letter. After discovering the blessing of God and your well-being, I thanked God. I am well along with my family and friends. Here Plague is shining. Now there are about 80 villages in which there is lot of havoc. In Qadian situation is this that boys and youth and old people get little fever, then next day they get glands below the ears, below the axilla or in the groin. I got one gland; earlier also I got one gland and my son Basheer Ahmad also got a fever one day and then developed a gland in front of ears. Son-in-law of Molvi Saheb Hakeem Nuruddin Saheb also developed a gland below the axilla, Mir Nasir Nawab Saheb's son Ishaq also developed a gland in the groin after fever." (Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.1 Letter No.40 p.15)

Deaths from Plague in Qadian

"In April 1904 Ahmadiyya School in Qadian was shut down due to Plague and in the Daily Official Notification (see Ahle Hadith Newspaper dated 27th May 1904) the death toll just for the months of March and April 1904 was recorded at 1313 which took place in Qadian. Those days the population of Qadian was 2800 persons. People panicked and left the village and the whole town looked deserted." (Hurf-e-Mehremana by Ghulam Jeelani Barq pp.251-252)

Mirza Flusters

"I am praying day and night and prayed with such force and concentration that sometimes I became so sick that I imagined that I will live only for two or three minutes and dangerous symptoms appeared." (Letter to Mohammed Ali Khan, Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 p.115)

"As required two three should lift his bed and the rest should stay at a distance of say 100 meters and offer funeral prayers." (Malfoozaat vol.9 p.253)

"If God-forbid someone dies from Plague who had fulfilled all the conditions of Risala 'Al-Wasiyat', about him is this important order that he should be kept in a box for two years and buried in a separate house as a trust-keeping and after two years they should be brought back at such a time when at the place of his death and in Qadian there is no trace of Plague." (Al-Wasiyat, Roohani Khazain vol.20 p.324)

Mirza and the Grandeur of a Mo'min (Believer)

"The more a believer have faith on the Might os Allah, the more he stays away from depending on material things." (Malfoozaat vol.6 p.507)

Duality in the Preaching and Practice of Mirza

Let us see how much faith Mirza had on Allah's capability and Allah's promises of protecting him and his house from the onslaught of Plague:

"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood was very particular about cleanliness. Especially during the days of Plague he was so careful that by his own hands he used to dissolve Phenyl in a container and throw it in the toilets and sewage lines of his house." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part 2 p.59)

"When Plague started then he (Mirza) stopped the meat (of Lamb) because he used to say that it contains the chemical of Plague." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part 1 p.56)

SubHanAllah. Some Prophet!!! He did not have a flicker of the grandeur of a believer, and what to talk of his prophetic knowledge of Plague and Lamb meat.

Deat of Qadianis by Plague and Qadiani Logic

"Some fools object that why do your people die? These fools do not this much that in the time of Holy Prophet SAAW when people used to ask for a miracle of divine punishment, they got the miracle of sword and that was also a kind of divine punishment." (Malfoozaat vol.5 p.457)

"The death of some folks of our Jamaat by Plague is like the martyrdom of some Companions of Holy Prophet SAAW during wars." (Tatimma Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.568)

What logic! Thank God, at least Mirza admitted that Qadianis have died of Plague. Whatever happened to all those promises of Mirzai God?

The Failure of Mirza Qadiani in his Prophecies about Plague

"This year Plague is a little less. This is not a cause to celebrate because people did not take any advantage of this Plague. The reason for which it was sent, it has not been accomplished yet." (Malfoozaat vol.10 p.287)

Plague and Mirza's Supplication - Trouble-maker for All the Worlds

"I supplicated for the spread of Plague. Thus that supplication was granted and Plague spread in the whole country." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.235)

"Blessed is that God who sent Plague in this world so that by it we flourish and grow and our enemies perish and vanish." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.570)

"Every month at least 500 men and sometimes 1000 or 2000 persons enter our Jamaat through Plague. Thus for us Plague is a Mercy and for our opponents it is trouble and punishment. And if similar (ravages) of Plague continue in this country for 15 years, then I believe that the whole country will be full Ahmadiyya Jamaat." ((Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 pp.568-570)

Glory be to Allah! On the one hand Mirza claims that God has sent him as a Mercy to All the Worlds:

"Antaa minnee ba-manzilat laa ya'alamoha al-khalq. wa maa arsalnaaka illa Rehmat al lil Alameen Ya Ahmad.... - You are from me on a station where no creation knows about it. And we have not sent except as a mercy for all the worlds O Ahmad." (Revelation of Mirza, Arba'een No 1, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p. 410)

May Allah forgive me for quoting this. Such horrendous fraud and lie. Such insolence. On the one hand he is supplicating for Plague to kill innocent people and on the other hand he had the audacity to apply on himself the title of Rehmat-ul-lil Alameen given by Allah to Holy Prophet SAAW.

He said:

"I want to make it clear to all Muslims and Christians and Hindus and Aryans that in the whole world I have no enemy. I have such love for the mankind as a mother loves her children, even more than that." (Arba'een No. 1, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.344)

What a Liar!!! Can a mother pray for her children to be killed by Plague? I think that such a person who for his carnal desires can supplicate for sufferings of people and then he has the callousness to express his happiness on thier sufferings. How dare he claims to be a mercy for all the world? A more appropriate title for such a heartless person can be a Tormentor of All the Worlds.

My dear Ahmadi brothers! Now let us come to the last thing. With the supplications of Mirza, plague continued to ravage the country for 4 years, people continued to die. The question is that did Plague vanish only when everyone accepted Mirza as the prophet of God?

Plague and the Census of Jamaat

Census of 1906: "Today by the Grace of God, they are more than 300,000 (ahmadis)." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.123)

"After Plague in the census of 1911, the population of Ahmadis was 18695 - eighteen thousand six hundred and ninety five. The total population of Punjab was 19,579,046 - one crore ninety five lacs seventy nine thousand and forty six. All over India there were forty thousand British Officers." (Extract from Census bokk of 1911 p.169)

In other words, just in the province of Punjab, there were 19,560,000 people remaining who had not accepted Mirza. There were 40,000 British Officers who were all Christians and none had accepted Mirza as the promised messiah or prophet and none of them were afflicted by Plague, though God had clearly told Mirza that:

"This plague will only halt when when people had accepted the Mesenger of God ..... thus my dear! There is no cure for this (plague) except that this Messiah should be accepted whole-heartedly and with sincerity." (Dafe-al-Bala, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p. 9,11)

Respected Ahmadi Brothers!! Allah always fulfil the promises made to His Prophets. But none of the promises to Mirza were honoured by God. Read again the following promises:

1.     Plague has spread as a Divine Punishment because a Messenger of God (Mirza Saheb) has been rejected.

2.     Plague will not subside until people have accepted the Messenger of God.

3.     Qadian will be absolutely safe from Plague, not a single person will die of this Plague.

4.     Anyone who is suffering from Plague, when he enters Qadian, he is cured of this disease.

5.     In Qadian getting affected by Plague will be a sign of Mirza Ghulam as a Liar.

None of these promises were honoured by Allah. There can be only one explanation for this. The source of these revelations cannot be Allah, The All-Mighty, rather these were satanic inspirations, which means Mirza was not a prophet of Allah, but he was a messenger of satan, the accursed one. Dear Ahmadi brothers! Mirza Ghulam and his preahers are dragging you towards the abyss of hell. I pray that may Allah show you the truth as truth, and gives you the courage to accept it; may Allah show you falsehood as falsehood and gives you the hidayah to denounce it. Ameen. My task is nothing more than to convey the truth to you.

A Challenge to Mirza Tahir - Qadiani Khalifa

Anti Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement in Islam Mumbai is constantly challenging Qadiani preachers for a debate on the truth and lies of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani, the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement. But these preachers are running away from everywhere, lest the fraud of Ahmadiyya is exposed.

My cousin, Latif Ahmad Musa, lives in Qadian and is an important office bearer of Ahmadiyya Jamaat there. According to him, in the eyes of the 4th Khalifa, Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani, in the whole of India there is not a single Qadiani molvi who is capable of debating with us. I have heard that Qadiani Scholar from Pakistan, Dost Mohammed Shahid, is the best Qadiani Debator, whose capabilities have also been appreciated by the Qadiani Khalifa.

Therefore Anti Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement Mumbai invites Mr Dost Mohammed Shahid for a debate. Return plane ticket to Mumbai, expences of borading and lodging during the debate will be paid by us. First debate will be on the character of Mirza and his truth or lies. Afterwards we will be ready to debate any issue which Qadianis choose. A video recording will be made of this debate, so that maeimum number of people can benefit from it.

Janab Mirza Tahir Saheb! You are being given one more chance to stand up to protect the honour of your grandfather and so-called prophet and for once prove his truthfulness. Either youself stand up for this debate or give permission to Dost Mohammed Shahid to debate with us.

Wassalamun 'ala mun ittaba'a al-huda

Ahtesham-ul-Haq Abdul Bari Anti Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement in Islam Bhola Seth Ki Chawl, Gala No. 15 210 Maulana Azad Road, Cross Lane, Madanpura, Mimbai 400008 India

http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ rasyed@emirates.net.ae


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تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

الزوار: 2159

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المقال السابقة
Prophecy of Plague part 1
المقالات المتشابهة
Prophecy of Plague part 1
المقال التالية
Mirza Ghulam and Prophecies
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