عرض الكتاب :What Jesus Really Say

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Misheal Abdullah Al-Kadhi

اسم الكتاب : What Jesus Really Say
تعليق الكتاب: The book contains detailed information and descriptions that show how the Bible was changed and tampered with over the past two millennia. The account and the discussions presented are based on, and collected from, the writings of Christian authors, the Church and the Bible. The book:
- Shows the historical sequence of who tampered and changed the Bible, why and how.
- Demonstrates how Prophet Jesus, alayhes sallam, never told in anyone in the Bible "worship me." or "I am a god."
- Demonstrates how the Bible to this day does not contain a single verse which claims that God is a "Trinity" or three-in-one.
- Shows how both the Old and New Testament repeatedly emphasized to mankind that God is ONE and commanded them to worship only one God.
- Shows how Jesus, alayhes sallam, repeatedly told mankind to worship "the Father" and to worship "the Father and son."
- Shows how Jesus' people repeatedly refer to him in the Bible as "A Prophet."
- Shows how Jesus and Moses, alayhemas sallam, both made many prophesies of the last messenger. These prophesies have been shown to be impossible to apply to anyone but him. There are over ten such detailed prophesies.
- Shows how the Dead Sea Scrolls which were recently discovered in Palestine in 1947 and which were written by the Jews who were waiting for the coming of Jesus, alayhes sallam, clearly state that they were not waiting for one, but two prophets. The first would be announced by an eschatological prophet (John the Baptist). This statement is repeated throughout the scrolls.
If you want the truth about Christianity you must read this book. This book also is an excellent dawah gift to Christians.

اضيف بواسطة :   admin       رتبته (   الادارة )
تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009 الزوار: 2096
التقييم: 0 /5 ( 0 صوت )

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