| Ibn Katheer | اسم الكتاب : Stories Of The Quran | تعليق الكتاب: CO N T E N T S : 1. The Story of Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain) 2. Harut and Marut 3. Dwellers of the Town 4. Story of the Heifer 5. Moses and AI-Khadir 6. The Story of Qarun (Korah) 7. Bilqis (Queen of Sheba) 8. The Story of Saba' (Sheba) 9. `Uzair (Ezra) 10. Dhul Qarnain 11. Gog and Magog 12. People of the Cave 13. The Believer & the Disbeliever 14. People of the Garden 15. The Sabbath-Breakers 16. Story of Luqman 17. People of the Ditch 18. Barsisa the Worshipper (The Renegade) 19. Owners of the Elephant
| اضيف بواسطة : | admin | رتبته ( | الادارة ) |
| تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009 | الزوار: 1977 | | | |
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