عرض المقال :Fatwa No 29 Part 1
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اسم المقال : Fatwa No 29 Part 1
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Bismillah Al-Rehman Al-Raheem

Al-Fatwa International No 29

(Translated From Urdu)

Part I

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali

Respected Readers! Assalamo alaikum wr wb New edition of Al-Fatwa is being presented here.

Imam Jamaat Ahmadiyya, Mirza Tahir Qadiani passed away

The so-called self appointed Imam and Khalifa of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani passed away on 19th April 2003. Everyone has to die one day, but some deaths are a lesson for others.

In 1988 Mirza Tahir Ahmad gave a challenge of Mubahila (prayer duel) to the entire Muslim Ummah, labeling them as disbelievers and liars. This challenge of Mubahila became nuisance for Mirza Tahir. He had was embroiled in such a messy situation that he could never extricate himself from it, ultimately it took his life. Mirza Tahir went into hiding after giving a single challenge of Mubahila, but Muslim scholars made his life hell by repeatedly challenging him for a prayer duel. Many scholars accepted his challenge and invited him for a face-to-face prayer duel (as was the Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW). Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah, who started Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in 1991, also accepted the challenge of Mubahila (prayer duel) but Mirza Tahir could have the courage to face anyone for a face to face prayer duel. From the platform of Anti Ahmadiyya Movement, I challenged Mirza Tahir for Mubahila in 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998 and 2000, but Mirza Tahir adopted such silence that he did not even acknowledge my challenge, let alone accepting them. Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Chinioti has been going to London every year since 1989 and challenging Mirza Tahir to make a prayer duel that he (Mirza Tahir) had never been an active or passive gay (homosexual). It is worth remembering that the father of Mirza Tahir, Mirza Basheeruddin Mahmud, the 2nd Khalifa, was a notorious adulterer, debaucher, homosexual, who did not even spare his own daughter and other close relatives with whom marriage is forbidden in every revealed religion. But Alas! Mirza Tahir remains hidden in his Gressenhall residence. Former Ahmadi, Ahtesham-ul-Haq Abdul Bari of Mumbai Anti Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement has also been throwing repeated challenges of Mubahila and in 1995 even went to Ahmadiyya Headquarter in London for a face to face prayer duel with Mirza Tahir who refused to grant him audience.

However ultimately Mirza Tahir made the fatal mistake of accepting the challenge of prayer duel (even though not face to face). On 3rd June 1999 a prayer duel was agreed on between Mr. Illias Suttar of Karachi and Qadiani Murabbi of Karachi Mr. Mohammed Usman Shahid. The basis of this Mubahila was the 1988 Mubahila Challenge of Mirza Tahir. Three witnesses from either side witnessed the historical moment. On 30th July 1999, in front of 18,500 Qadiani delegates from all over the world who had gathered for the London Jalsa Salana (Annual Gathering), Mirza Tahir announced the acceptance of this challenge of Illias Suttar and said: "God will punish the liar within one year.

Even the echo of these words had not died down that the liar was indeed caught in the divine grip. On 20th August 1999 Mirza Tahir was delivering a Friday sermon in Norway, when suddenly an attack of stroke made his speech unintelligible. He was flown to London immediately where he remained confined for nearly a month. On 10th September 1999 he delivered a 10 minutes speech in which he admitted that he was mentally ill due to which he was finding difficulty in expressing himself and that was the reason for his absence. He could not lead the prayers that day and Ataul Mujeeb Rashed had to be the Imam. For quite sometime afterwards he was noticed to be making frequent mistakes in sermons and prayers, sometimes ending the prayers only after one rakaat. This divine punishment proved Mirza Tahir, as well as Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, to be liars in the eyes of the world. Illias Suttar is still alive and well till this day. Jamaat Ahmadiyya had maintained a total silence on this issue of Mubahila of Illias Suttar. People in and out of the Jamaat have asked repeatedly: who is the winner of this Mubahila, but Mirza Tahir has also kept mumb on this issue and did not issue any formal statement till the end.

Another big fraud and deception of Mirza Tahir was regarding the increase in the numbers of converts. Since 1993 Mirza Tahir had been announcing that every year double the number of previous year's converts are entering the fold of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Thus according the announcement of Mirza Tahir in the year 2000 alone around 20,000,000 people embraced Ahmadiyyat. This was such a lie that even the followers of Mirza Tahir do not believe it. Professor Munawwar Malik, a born Ahmadi from Jhelum, Pakistan, could not take it any more, denounced Ahmadiyyat and reverted to Islam. Praise be to Allah for that. He wrote a detailed article exposing this fraud of figures, which was published by monthly Laulaak from Multan. This article is available on my website at: http://alhafeez.org/rashid/figures2.htm

Another jolt that Mirza Tahir received a few months back was the expulsion of a close associate and senior member Mr. Hadi Ali Chaudhary from Jamaat on charges of corruption. For readers’ information, this is the same Hadi Ali Chaudhary who wrote a book entitled, 'Disciples of Satan' on the instructions of Mirza Tahir. This book was written to neutralize the Anti Ahmadiyya Movement's awareness campaign, and especially made personal attacks on Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah and myself. After his expulsion, Hadi Ali Chaudhary reacted by exposing the corruption of Mirza Tahir and all the big muballighs of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. He mentioned how all of them including Mirza Tahir has made huge properties by misusing the donations of ordinary Ahmadis.

Nevertheless the humiliation and afflictions that Mirza Tahir has faced after the Mubahila challenges of Illias Suttar, Ahtesham-ul-Haq, Maulana Manzoor Chinioti and Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is not hidden from the eyes of everyone. Afflictions, sicknesses and sufferings are part of life. Likewise death is also an inevitable fact of life, but when they come as a result of prayer duel, then it is a sign. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had written:

"The liar among the contestants of Mubahila, die in the lifetime of truthful." (Malfoozaat, Roohani Khazain II vol.9 p.440)

Thus Mr. Illias Suttar, Mr. Ahtesham-ul-Haq, Maulana Manzoor Chinioti, Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah and myself are by the Grace of Allah alive and well, whereas Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani, the 4th Khalifa left this temporary abode on 19th April 2003, leaving behind admonishing signs for those who would heed them. Alas! He did not pay attention to the last letter of Ahtesham-ul-Haq who invited him to repent and embrace Islam before death. We pray that Mirza Tahir will eternally remain in the company of his father (Mirza Mahmud) and grandfather (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani). Ameen.

Praise be to Allah, the One and Only. His Love and Peace be upon Him, after Whom there is no prophet.

Open Letter to the Newly Appointed 5th Khalifa

Respected Mirza Masroor Ahmad Qadiani Saheb

Salaam on those who follow the Hidayah

Congratulations on becoming the leader of Ahmadiyya Jamaat. I read this news in "Khabrain" daily newspaper that you have barred Qadiani murabbis and muballighs the world over from indulging in any kind of prayer duel or debate. If this news is true, then at least it proves that the reproachful end of your predecessor is in front of you. It could be that you are planning some new strategy or it could be that you are afraid of the death of Mirza Tahir.

Through this letter I want to make something clear to you. If really want to learn a lesson from the death of Mirza Tahir, then you must remember that the basis of Mubahila between Mr. Illias Suttar and Mirza Tahir was the 1988 challenge of Mubahila by Mirza Tahir. The defeat of Mirza Tahir in this Mubahila was in effect the proof of lies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. I request you to heed the lesson from the admonishing end of Mirza Tahir, for the sake of saving the souls of yourself and those of your followers, denounce this hundred years of fraud of Ahmadiyyat and embrace Islam. InshaAllah this way you will be successful in both the worlds and rewarded by Allah.

Otherwise, I invite you to a debate to judge the truth and lies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. Be courageous and accept it. For the protection of the honor of my Lord and Master, Syedna Muhammad SAAW, I am prepared to come face to face with you. Now let me see that whether you, who are the 5th Khalifa of Mirza Ghulam, are prepared to face this challenge and meet me or not. In view of the affliction of Mirza Tahir in prayer duel probably you would not be prepared to face a prayer duel, rather there is no necessity of it now, but there should be no hesitation in organizing a debate. By accepting this challenge, on the one hand you would consolidate your newly gained khilafat in the Jamaat and on the other hand you will get a rare opportunity to expose the truths or lies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani in front of the world.

I hope that you will give a reply at your earliest.

Wassalam on those who follow the hidayah

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali

Dibba Al-Fujairah

13th May 2003.

How Jamaat treats its opponents

Truth is always bitter. It takes a great courage to accept to face. Hidayah (guidance) is always from Allah and is given to one who seeks it. Our task is nothing but to convey the truth. The vast literature containing truth regarding the writings and personality of the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, that is being presented by Anti Ahmadiyya Movement have created a big dilemma for Ahmadiyya Movement and its followers. Not knowing how to negate these facts, they resort to unethical and illogical methods, simply to satisfy and boast the morale of their own followers and divert their attention from the real issue. Mostly they accuse us of distorting the writings or deny the existence of such writings. Other times they write such books as "Apostle of Satan" in which they make personal attacks on us, trying to discredit our writings on that basis. However there are times when they resort to more aggressive measures. In order to silence their opponents, they try to implicate them in false police cases or even try to eliminate them. In this edition of AlFatwa, we will look at some of these instances.

The Death of General Zia-ul-Haq

In 1974 during the prime ministership of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the elected legislative assembly of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, after deliberations of six months in which Qadiani and Lahori scholars were given ample opportunity to prove their case, unanimously passed a law declaring Ahmadis/Qadianis/Lahoris to be non-Muslim minority, giving them all those rights which are enjoyed by all the other minorities in Pakistan. Despite this legislation, Qadianis/Ahmadis/Lahoris openly continued their preaching in the name of Islam, thus fomenting the emotions 150 millions of Muslims in Pakistan. In 1984 President of Pakistan General Ziaul Haq took notice of this issue and issued an ordinance, which later became part of the legislation, thus making it a criminal offense to misuse Islamic epithets by Qadianis/Ahmadis/Lahoris or anyone else. General Ziaul Haq was killed in an air crash under mysterious cir*****stances. Despite evidence of Qadiani connection, for some reason culprits have never been brought to justice.

Murder of Maulana Yusuf Ludhianvi

Another instance during recent times is the gruesome murder of Maulana Yusuf Ludhianvi in broad daylight. For the last two decades Maulana Yusuf had been engaged in a scholarly exposition of Qadiani deception through his writings and lectures. He had written numerous books on this issue. On the morning of 18th May 2000 when Maulana left his house to go to the office of Khatme Nabuwwat in Karachi, he was killed by a burst of Kalashnikov. Murderers were riding a bike, who ran away after riddling his and his driver with bullets. His son was also seriously wounded. To date murderers have not been arrested.

Brother of Ahtesham-ul-Haq Abdul Bari implicated in false charge of murder

Ahtesham-ul-Haq is a former Ahmadi, who lives in Mumbai India. His father was trapped into Ahmadiyyat long time back, thus the whole family including children became members of Ahmadiyya Community. They moved into a flat AlHaq building, where most of the tenants were Qadianis/Ahmadis. However after few years, father of Ahtesham started having doubts and AlHamdolillah before his death he reverted to Islam along with his children. As is usual Qadiani murabbis started harassing the family, trying to lure them back into Ahmadiyyat. As Ahtesham grew older he gathered more information about the deception of Ahmadiyyat and became an active member of Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. He had set up Anti Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement in Mumbai to educate Muslims about this deception, with AlHamdolillah good success. He traveled extensively in and around Mumbai and other parts of India, exposing the falsehood of Ahmadiyyat, defeating all Qadiani Murrabbis in lives discussions and debates. Thus Ahmadiyya Jamaat lost lot of recent converts in India. He even traveled to London to challenge the then Khalifa of Ahmadiyyat, Mirza Tahir, who refuse to meet him.

In an attempt to silence him, Jamaat Ahmadiyya has used every trick in the book, threatening him with his life, involving him in false cases, using high handed tactics to throw him and his family out of the flat of AlHaq Building. Recently they falsely implicated his brother in a murder case. But Allah is All Powerful, AlHamdolillah, after two years his brother was proved innocent and acquitted in this case.

Debauchery of Mirza Basheeruddin Mehmud (Son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and the 2nd Khalifa of Jamaat Ahmadiyya) and attempt on Bashir Masri's life

Bashir Masri's father Abdur Rehman Masri embraced what he thought was Islam at the hands of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. Abdur Rehman Masri became a very active member of Jamaat and during the Khilafat of Hakeem Nuruddin and Mirza Mehmud he had rendered great services for Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Mirza Mehmud was the son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, who was an adulterer, homosexual and debaucher of extreme degree. During the lifetime of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad he was accused of raping a young girl of one of the follower of Mirza Ghulam, but the incident was hushed through the connivance of his father and his faithful followers. Once he became the Khalifa of Qadian young boys, girls and married women in Qadian were victims of his lewdity. Even his own daughter, Ummatul Rasheed - a minor, did not escape his lechery. She fainted as a result of this experience, her mother (wife of Mirza Mehmud) objected:

"Why were you in such a hurry, you could have waited for a year or two, she wasn't running away anywhere. Did you not have other women?" (City of Sodom p. 108 by Shafiq Mirza)

When a close associate of Mirza Mehmud objected to this incestuous behavior, he is on record to have said:

"People are so stupid. They plant a garden, irrigate it, and when the trees grow and bear fruits, they say that someone else should pluck the fruits and somebody else should eat it!" (City of Sodom p. 108 by Shafiq Mirza)

Bashir Masri was born in Qadian in 1914. He was an 18 year old beautiful Kashmiri youth, when one day Khalifa Mirza Mehmud called him for a private interview at his palace. In Ahmadiyya Jamaat, Khalifa is like a demigod, revered and awed. Bashir Masri considered himself greatly honored at this invitation. However soon this dream was shattered when he was introduced into an inner circle where boys and girls were being regularly raped/sodomised by the Khalifa or were forced to perform intercourse with Khalifa's household ladies with Khalifa enjoying the play. He spent many a sleepless nights, crying in anguish, not knowing how to come out of this predicament. Finally he summoned his courage, prepared a list of names of players in this game with dates and timings, and related the whole story to his father, Abdur Rehman Masri. Initially his father did not believe him, but at the insistence of his son, he sought an interview with Khalifa, hoping that all the doubts would be cleared after this meeting. However when he returned from this meeting he was convinced of his son's story. He wrote letters after letters to his 'HUZOOR', Mirza Mehmud, to either deny these allegations under oath or abdicate the Khilafat. In response, the Khalifa excommunicated the Masri Family. The rest of the story in the words of Basheer Masri is as follows:

"Since my alienation from the Khalifah’s ‘inner circle’, my life had been constantly in danger. His mafia-like thugs started shadowing me. In desperation, I decided to take the bull by the horns, went to the Khalifah and showed him a long letter in which I had recorded all the details of his private life with names, dates, facts and figures. I told him that sealed copies of that letter had been deposited with some persons in authority, instructing them to open the letters only in case if my death or disappearance. From then on, I felt safe and walked about freely in the streets of Qadian.

The more I saw of this corruption the more I became sick of religion, one and all, till ultimately I ended up as an atheist. This morbid phase of my life, however, left a spiritual vacuum with which I could not cope on my own, and I had to tell my father. It came to him as a great shock. Naturally, he could not accept the word of a young boy without corroboration and started making discreet inquiries. It did not take him long to be convinced that I was telling the truth.

My father wrote a very long letter to this so-called Khalifah, asking him for an explanation of his conduct and demanding his abdication. There was no reply, but two reminders afterwards, the Khalifah declared that Shaikh Abdul-Rehman Masri (my father) and all members of his family had been expelled and excommunicated. These three letters were later published in India.

This excommunication in practice meant complete boycott and social dissociation. Our lives were so much in danger that the Government had to detail twenty-four hours guard of military police around our house. No member of our family could go out without a police escort. In spite of all such precautions, I and two of my companions were attacked in broad daylight in the bazaar. One elderly companion was stabbed in the chest and died. The other was stabbed in the neck and shoulder and had to remain in hospital for quite a long period. I managed to fight back and succeeded in giving such a blow on the skull of my assailant with a cudgel, which I was carrying, that he started bleeding. The wounded assailant was whisked away to a hiding place by his accomplices, but the police caught up with him by following the blood drops from his skull. He was later founded guilty of murder and hanged. Such was the flagrant disdain of law and order in Qadian that the murderer’s funeral service was held with great pomp and show, the Khalifah himself leading the prayer.

After this incident a Muslim organization known as ‘Majlis-e-Ahrar-ul-Islam’, started sending squads of volunteers to guard our house, in addition to the military police. They pitched their tents in the open fields around our bungalow, which started looking like a besieged fortress.

The Mirzai (Ahmadiyya) Administration started involving my father in trumped-up court cases to discredit his high repute for uprightness, as well as to drain his meager savings. In short, all sorts of dirty tricks were played to make life impossible for him. To support his family with eleven children, he had to sell the family jewelry and chattel. The most unfortunate of these disasters which befell our family during this period was the setback to the education of children. All the details of these attacks and persecution used to be published in Indian Press.

There was a great pressure on our family, both from the Government and others to leave Qadian and we ultimately migrated to Lahore. My father joined the Lahori Party. Although there is not much difference between their beliefs and those of Qadianis, at least their society was not riddled with moral corruption. I, however, kept myself unattached. As I have said earlier, I had lost faith in the very institution of religion. However during this period I started coming in contact with the leaders of Ahrar, who had a profound effect on me. Among them were Syed Ataullah Shah Bukhari, Maulana Habib-ur-Rehman Ludhianvi, Chaudhari Afzal Haque, Maulana Mazhar Ali Azhar - I found these people devout Muslims and very sincere friends.

My father had accepted my atheism only with ostensible resignation. While at heart he was very unhappy about it. He told me that he prayed for me regularly and used to ask me to seek God’s guidance through prayer. My answer to that used to be that he was asking me to pray to a Being who did not exist. Finally after lengthy discussions, he started advising me to make my prayers conditional and started to pray in words such as: "God if you exist, give me some indication of it; otherwise if per chance you do exist don’t blame me for not believing in You……"

Although this kind of prayer might sound blasphemous to the real believers, it produced esoteric results for me. Within about a year of praying. I saw two dreams in quick succession. Since they are very much of a personal and subjective nature, I dare not relate them here. Suffice it to say that they especially the second dream, were of long duration, very explicit and coherent. Even for a sinful man like me there remained no room for doubt that there did exist a Supreme Being whom we call God or Allah, I may mention though that in the concluding part of the dream I was shown the Mirzai Khalifah as a depraved miscreant with a heinously tarred face.

After these dreams I felt much relieved. It seemed as if my spiritual crisis was over. I decided to turn a new leaf and become a Muslim formally. The late Syed Ataullah Shah Bukhari took me along to Maulana Mohammed Ilyas (the founder of the Tablighi Jamaat) in a village called Mehroli, a few miles from Delhi. There, in 1940, I took my oath of fealty to Islam (Bai’at) at his hand. It was a blissful coincidence that the Sheikh al Hadith of India Maulana Muhammed Zakariyah also happened to be present, after the sunset (Maghreb) prayers, led by Maulana Ilyas, all the congregation of about 40 worshippers said a special prayer for me.

In 1941 migrated to East Africa with the mixed feelings of relief and guilt. Standing on the deck of the steamer in the Bombay harbor, I stated reciting under my breath the following Quranic Verse: "And what reason have you not to fight for the cause of Allah to help those weak men and women who are crying out: Our Lord take us out of this town whose people are oppressors". (Al Nisa 4:75)

After 20 years stay in Africa I migrated to England in 1961.


In 1964 I was appointed as the Imam of the Shahjehan Mosque in Woking, England. This appointment calls for some explanation for record. This mosque was built by an orientalist, Dr. Leitner in 1889 with funds from Muslims in India and later, a Trust was formed to run it. That was the period when Mirzaiyat (Ahmadiyyat) had not shown itself fully in its true colors and the Trust readily agreed to hand over the management of the mosque to the Lahori section of this Movement

By nineteen sixties quite a few Muslim Organizations had established themselves in the United Kingdom and the pressure started increasing for this Mosque to be reverted to its originally intended position of an Islamic Center. I was approached by the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Trust to accept the Imamate. I made it clear to them that I was a Sunni Muslim and showed them copies of some published articles, which I had written against Mirzaiyat. They told me that they were aware of my views and that they considered it as an asset. They also assured me that the High Commissioner of Pakistan, who was the ex-officio Chairman of the Trust and who would sign the letter of my appointment, had given his blessings.

After taking charge of the Mosque, it soon became obvious to me that I was being branded by the general Muslims as a Mirzai. For the last about three quarters of a century there had been a successive line of Mirzai Imams. Muslims could not believe that all of a sudden a Sunni Imam would appear out of the blue, I found myself falling between two stools. My theological differences with both the Lahori and the Qadiani sections were irreconcilable; while the Muslims took it for granted that I must be a Mirzai, otherwise I would not have been appointed. It took me long to win over the trust of some Muslim religious leaders in the UK.

It had been my life long ambition to tour the Islamic countries by car, so that I could travel even into the rural areas and study first hand how they were transacting their religious affairs in practice. (This tour took me about three years covering 45,000 miles in more than 40 countries). Before leaving the Mosque however, I wanted to make sure that this far-famed Mosque and the Islamic Center remained in the Muslim hands permanently. There were only two or three Mirzai members on the Board of Trustees, but they were very active and wielded a great influence. They were leaving no stone unturned to bring back a Mirzai Imam after I had left.

After long discussions and consultations with my Muslim friends, I called a meeting of all Muslim Organizations in UK and Eire, on the 20 July 1968, at East London Mosque. It was attended by more than hundred delegates. I explained the situation to them that I was due to start on my tour by the end of the year and that Mirzais (Ahmadis) were trying their best to have their own Imam installed.

There was one very important legal point, which was to prove helpful to us in the tug of war, which ensued. According to a clause of the trust deed, the legal status of the Mirzais, from the very beginning had been that of tenants of the Trust, which could be terminated. This clause had remained unnoticed by the Muslims until I pointed it out to them. At this meeting it was decided unanimously to form a "Woking Mosque Regeneration Committee" which should take over the physical possession of the Mosque under protest, and appoint an adhoc Muslim Imam after my departure. It further resolved the Mosque Trust should be asked to expel all its Mirzai members on the Board and never to appoint a Mirzai Imam again. It was in these cir*****stances that, in November 1968, I handed over the Mosque to Muslims and left England on my tour,

The general impression among the non-Muslims is that our opposition to Mirzaiyat stems from religious intolerance. They fail to appreciate the fact that apart from doctrinal differences, this clique is being used by the anti-Islamic powers as collaborators in the promotion of their political and economic interests throughout Muslim world. On top of all this there is a growing apprehension among the Muslims that the pattern of Qadiani libertinism is liable to corrode the moral fabric of Muslim youth.

Al-Hafiz B. A. Masri March 1989" (Bane of Ahmadiyyat by B A Masri, dated 18 August 1988 published in London as 'An open Letter to Mirza Tahir Ahmad in response to Mubahila' and available online at http://alhafeez.org/rashid/bane.htm)

Murder of Fakhruddin Multani

Fakhruddin Multani was another devoted Ahmadi who had taken oath of allegiance at the hands of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. He migrated from his ancestral town of Multan to Qadian. He established Ahmadiyya Book House in Qadian and spent his life serving the Jamaat and the Qadiani Royal Family. The allegations regarding the lewd character of Khalifa Mirza Mehmud also disillusioned him the Ahmadiyya Khilafat. Alongwth Abdur Rehman Masri, he started demanding that Khalifa should declare on oath that these allegations are false and if Khalifa is lying then he should be afflicted with divine punishment. Or else a committee should be constituted to investigate these allegations and present its finding. As usual Khalifa expelled him from the Jamaat and ex-communicated the whole family. It is a long story, but in a nutshell after 32 years of service to Ahmadiyyat, Multani was thrown out of Jamaat with just a stroke of pen. Excommunication meant that no one in Qadiani was allowed to talk to them, deal with them, sell them anything, even in the way of daily food items.

Fakhruddin Multani wrote:

"The announcement of my expulsion from Jamaat simply stated this punishment that talking, greeting or communicating with Fakhruddin was banned forthwith. However what is being practiced is this:

·         My wife and children were also boycotted simply because they were my children.

·         Supply of milk for my sick toddler has been stopped simply because he is my child.

·         Maid who gives bath to my disabled wife has been stopped from coming to my house.

·         My near and dear ones have been stopped from visiting my house.

·         Tenants of my houses have been forced to vacate them.

·         Disabled Shamsuddin was removed from my shop simply because he is looking after my shop (in my absence).

·         My family is being intimidated terrorized by putting scores of men and boys around my house round the clock.

·         Ahmadi shopkeepers have been stopped from selling me daily utility items.

·         Scheme has been devised to close down my business to impoverish me and my family and even have nothing to feed on.

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Fatwa No 29 Part 2
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AlFatwa No 3
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Fatwa No 30 Part 1
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