عرض المقال :Fatwa No 30 Part 2
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اسم المقال : Fatwa No 30 Part 2
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Al Fatwa International No. 30



Under this agreement, following prophecy was announced by Mirza Ghulam:

Prophecy of Supernatural Divine Punishment

"Now with the publication of this prophecy I want to make evident to all Muslims and Aryas (Hindus) and Christians and other creeds that if within SIX YEARS from today's date that is 20 February 1893, such punishment which is other than simple afflictions and is Khaariq-e-Aaadat (paranormal or supernatural....Rashid) {that is it is not one of those sicknesses and sufferings which are natural and simple from which sometimes he gets better and sometimes he perishes} and have in itself Godly fear {that is it contains signs of God's anger} does not descend on this person, then you should understand that I am not from God and nor I have any communication with His spirit {that is this prophecy is the basis to judge my truth and lie}." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p.118)

Note: The text within the brackets "{}" are part of the original text.

In the same book, in another part Mirza Ghulam reiterates his point:

"Now I am admitting again that .... if he gets simple fever or he simply gets some pain or if he gets Cholera and then he recovers from it, then it would not be considered as prophecy and without doubt it would be a ruse and a deception." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 17)

"Today which is Tuesday 20 February 1893, when I meditated to find out the time of this Divine Punishment, God revealed to me that from today's date which is 20 February 1893 within six years this person will be afflicted with severe punishment due to his foul tongue, that is as a punishment of slanders against the Holy Prophet SAAW he will be afflicted with severe punishment. Thus now with the publication of this prophecy I want to make clear to all Muslims and Aryas (Hindus) and Christians and other creeds that if within SIX YEARS from this date if such divine punishment does not descend on him which is more than simple afflictions and is Khaariq-e-Aaadat (Against nature or supernatural .... Rashid) and does not contain within it terror of God, then understand that I am not from God nor have I any communication with His Spirit. And if I turn out to be a liar in this prophecy, then I am prepared to receive any punishment, and I am willing for putting a rope around my neck and be hanged. And moreover despite my admission, this is also apparent that to come out a liar in one's prophecy is the worse disgrace for any person." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 15)

Khaariq-e-Aaadat - Against Nature, Paranormal or Supernatural

Here it is worth noting that according to the statement of Mirza Ghulam, the nature of punishment is supposed to be Khariq-e-Aadat. What exactly Mirza Ghulam understands by this term? Let us see:

"A thing which has no comparison, this is in other words also called Khaariq-e-Aaadat." (Roohani Khazain vol. 2 p. 19)

"Khaariq-e-Aaadat is said to that thing which has no parallel in this world." (Haqeeqtul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p. 204)

In Summary:

The conclusion that can be safely drawn from the above quotations from the books of Mirza Ghulam are as follows:

1.     The Prophecy regarding Lekhram was from God, and its duration was fixed as 6 years.

2.     Punishment will be in the form of Khaariq-e-Aaadat for which there is no parallel in this world.

3.     It was necessary for Lekhram to be alive until the fulfillment of the prophecy, so that he can witness it and embrace Islam.

4.     If the prophecy is not fulfilled, then Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani will be declared a LIAR and will deserve punishment, and according to his own wish, he would be hanged.

5.     If the prophecy is not fulfilled, then either Mirza Ghulam will embrace Arya Hindu religion or he will pay a penalty of Rs. 360 to Lekhram.

According to this prophecy, within six years i.e. by 20 February 1899 Lekhram should have received such divine punishment for which there was no parallel before in this world and which would have created fear of God in his heart, as a result of which Mirza Ghulam would have demanded from him to embrace Islam and he had complied with it by embracing Islam. But no such thing happened. Instead he was deceived and murdered.

Cir*****stantial Evidences

In any planned premeditated murder, it is always difficult to get hard evidence as to the identity of murderer or its planners. Investigators therefore rely on cir*****stantial evidence to build the case. In any criminal investigation of murder motive and opportunity are of prime importance. Let us see what happened in the case of Lekhram's murder and how much cir*****stantial evidence we have.

After publishing the prophecy as usual Mirza Ghulam realized that he had announced such a thing whose fulfillment depends purely on chance otherwise he knew perfectly well that the help of Allah is not on his side. What was going on inside, only Allah knows, but certain cir*****stantial evidences are presented here which throws light on what Mirza Ghulam was planning:

"Lekhram's age is at present at the most 30 years and he is a young man of robust built in good health. And this humble self is little more than 50 years old and weak and permanently sick and is afflicted with different kind of illnesses. Despite that, it will be evident in this contest which thing is from human being and which is from God." (Siraj-e-Muneer, Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 17)

After sometime Mirza Ghulam issued another prophecy:

"Today which is 12 April 1893/14 Ramadhan 1310 AH, in the morning while dozing off I saw that I am sitting in a big house and some friends are also present with me, presently a robust horrible looking man as if blood is dripping from his face came and stood in front of me. I looked up and realized that he is a new kind of creature as if not a human being but from among the angels of punishment and his terror was felt in the hearts. And while I was watching he asked me that where is Lekhram, and took the name of another person that where is he. Then I understood that this person is appointed to punish Lekhram and that other person, but I can't remember who that other person is, yes this I definitely remember that that other person was among those regarding whom I had already advertised. And this was on Monday at 4 am in the morning." (Siraj-e-Muneer, Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 19)

"wa basharnee rabbi mubasherun sa t'arefo yaum al-eid wa aleid aqrab..... translation .... and giving me the gladtiding of a sign God said that you will soon recognize the day of Eid ... and God promised me and answered my prayer regarding one mischief maker enemy of God and Rasool, who is Lekhram Peshawari and informed me that he will die." (Siraj-e-Muneer, Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 119)

SubHanAllah!! So-called God of Mirza Ghulam did not honor the agreement between his prophet and his opponent, although that agreement and the resulting prophecy was made only after 'god' revealed it to his prophet!!!

Lekhram Murdered by a Dagger - Is it an Unnatural thing?

On 6th March 1897 Lekhram was murdered by a dagger stabbed into his tummy. Ahmadi/Qadiani murabbis and preachers say that Lekhram was murdered by an angel and this the prophecy of so-called Promised Messiah is fulfilled.

Dear Readers! Read again carefully the prophecy of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, read the agreement between Mirza Ghulam and Lekhram again carefully.

"Today which is Tuesday 20 February 1893, when I meditated to find out the time of this Divine Punishment, God revealed to me that from today's date which is 20 February 1893 within six years this person will be afflicted with severe punishment due to his foul tongue, that is as a punishment of slanders against the Holy Prophet SAAW he will be afflicted with severe punishment. Thus now with the publication of this prophecy I want to make clear to all Muslims and Aryas (Hindus) and Christians and other creeds that if within SIX YEARS from this date if such divine punishment does not descend on him which is more than simple afflictions and is Khaariq-e-Aaadat (Against nature or supernatural .... Rashid) and does not contain within it terror of God, then understand that I am not from God nor have I any communication with His Spirit. And if I turn out to be a liar in this prophecy, then I am prepared to receive any punishment, and I am willing for putting a rope around my neck and be hanged. And moreover despite my admission, this is also apparent that to come out a liar in one's prophecy is the worse disgrace for any person." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 15)

Is there any remote indication in it that Lekhram will be murdered? The prophecy is about showing an unnatural/supernatural/paranormal spectacle, an un-paralleled miracle, a heavenly sign and not about death of Lekhram. Was death of Lekhram the result of some unnatural unparalleled phenomenon? Stabbing to death is a common occurrence. Murderer can be hired easily at a price as well. So what was supernatural un-parallel in this murder? Whereas Mirza Ghulam is on record to have said:

"A thing which has no comparison, this is in other words also called Khaariq-e-Aaadat." (Roohani Khazain vol. 2 p. 19)

"Khaariq-e-Aaadat is said to that thing which has no parallel in this world." (Haqeeqtul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p. 204)

What actually had happened was that a person hypocritically pretending to be devotee entered into the fold of Lekhram's students, and waiting for the opportunity and as soon as he found Lekhram alone stabbed him to death and ran away. Following account is stated in an Ahmadiyya Magazine from Karachi, 'Souvenir':

"Saturday 6 March 1897 is thus described that Pandit Lekhram was half naked performing Sindhiya (religious worship) on the upper story. After finishing Sindhiya he stretched himself due to which his belly protruded forward. That Muslim who had taken Shudh (shaved his head and become Hindu) was sitting nearby covered with blanket. He stabbed the belly of Lekhram in such a manner that his intestines came out." (Souvenir p. 70)

Mirza Ghulam has this to say regarding this incident:

"In the affair of Lekhram working of the unseen hand can be seen very clearly. Coming of a person to him to take Shudh, trusting this person so much that taking him into his house freely, in the evening departing of the other visitors, both of them remaining alone, exactly on the second day of Eid his going for doing this work, getting up of Lekhram suddenly from writing something and stretching himself and protruding his belly forward, and the stabbing of the dagger proving fatal, and up to the time of his death God closing his tongue in such a manner that despite being in full senses and knowing that I have prophesied against him not for a moment expressing his suspicion that I suspect Mirza Saheb; and then till today not finding the murderer - all these are the workings of God which is horrifyingly showing his supremacy and power." (Roohani Khazain, Malfoozaat of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, vol. 10 pp. 170-171)

Readers should read carefully the above quotation. The scenario of the last moments of Lekhram that Mirza Ghulam had painted, reproachful though it is, raises an important question. HOW DID MIRZA GHULAM KNOW ABOUT IT? HOW DID MIRZA GHULAM KNOW THAT LEKHRAM SUDDENLY GOT UP FROM WRITING, STRETCHED HIMSELF IN SUCH A MANNER THAT HIS BELLY PROTRUDED FORWARD AND EXACTLY AT THAT MOMENT MURDERER STABBED HIS DAGGER INTO HIS BELLY? There are only two persons who knew about it. Murderer and the Victim. Yes Allah also knew about it, but no where in his books Mirza Ghulam has stated that God had informed him about this scenario. Lekhram was definitely not there in the world to tell this. The only other person who could have informed Mirza Ghulam was the murderer himself. In other words, this statement of Mirza Ghulam is exposing his links with the murderer. Can any Ahmadi/Qadiani tell us what kind of relationship did Mirza G had with the murderer that he conveyed this eyewitness account to him? And why did Mirza G not hand over the murderer to the police/ If the murderer was not one of the followers of Mirza G, then is it impossible that he was a hired killer?

In this regard, another statement of Mirza G is not without interest:

"Prophecy of a false prophet (imposter) is never fulfilled. God stands up against him so that humanity is not destroyed, just as Lekhram also with worldly cunningness gave an advertisement regarding me that I will die within three years. Hence why couldn't he conspired with a killer so that his forecast was fulfilled?" (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 25)

This quotation shows that Mirza G was aware of getting in touch with a killer to kill someone!!!

Ahmadiyya Magazine, 'Souvenir' writes:

"People say that they stated (wife and mother of Lekhram) that they saw the murderer coming from the stairs." (Souvenir p. 70)

Mirza Bashir Ahmad son of Mirza G. writes:

"As the statement of Lekhram's wife etc. was heard, murderer of Lekhram after murdering him climbed the stairs and went to the roof." (Tabligh-e-Hidayat p. 188)

Question is: If Lekhram was murdered by an angel as Ahmadi muballighs would have us believe, what need did he have to enter into the group of devotees and wait for the opportunity to murder Lekhram, and then after murdering him to come down the stairs or climb up the stairs? He could have appeared out of the blue, and as easily vanished from the same room without being seen by anyone. Or the angel could have as easily murdered invisibly in front of all the devotees - that could have been a spectacle.

These were the cir*****stantial evidences that also convinced the local police also of some conspiracy in which Mirza Ghulam was also involved. Twice they raided his house, but Mirza Ghulam was also not a novice:

"These people knew well in their hearts that this was God's work and not the plot of the person who had made the prophecy, yet by repeated requests made the Government to search my house and by creating a lot of fuss fulfilled their resemblances with the cow-worshippers." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 121)

"On 8 April 1897 through District Superintendent Police house was searched." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 54)

"On 8 April 1897 my house was searched." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 55)

Murderer was never apprehended, British Government did nothing more than searching the house, despite a lot of protests from Hindus. Naturally they had to protect their self-cultivated seedling for a much bigger plan.

Another Lame Excuse for not performing the miracle:

"What is the entitlement of the corpse-eating Liar that Heaven should show a sign for him and the earth should exhibit paranormal spectacles?" (Roohani Khazain vol.12 p. 3)

Mirza Ghulam wrote the Decisive Words himself:

"We consider such a Spiritual Guide and also such Disciples, worse that dogs and of extremely immoral lifestyle who concoct prophecies at home, and then with their own hands, with their own cunningness and their own deception they try to fulfil themselves and make others fulfil them." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p. 27)

Invitation to the Newly (S)elected Khalifa of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, Mirza Masroor Ahmad

We invite the newly appointed 5th Khalifa, Mirza Masroor Ahmad Qadiani that either to forward and do Mubahila with us on the issue of Lekhram or else declare on oath (with condition of divine punishment if he takes a false oath) that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was not involved in the murder of Lekhram, Murder of Lekhram was not done by human hands but by an angel and finally that the prophecy of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was fulfilled.

Former Ahmadi, Ahteshamul Haq Abdul Bari's recent visit to Belgium

The leader of Anti Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement in Mumbai, India, visited Belgium in December 2003. During his visit he met a new revert to Islam who was trapped by the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. AlHamdolillah when Br Ahtesham explained to him the real nature of Ahmadiyya, he denounced the Jamaat. Later he invited him to the Jamaat's center in Antwerp to have discussion with the local muballighs. Local Murabbi Nasir Ahmad Sindhi addressed the gathering in English on the benefits of fasting. During his speech he portrayed his Jamaat as a peace-loving Jamaat and portrayed other Muslims as militants. At the end of his speech, in front of the whole gathering Ahtesham tried to ask some questions about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement, but he was stopped. Later however he succeeded in talking to the gathered Ahmadis about the claims of Mirza Ghulam. Murabbi Nasir Ahmad Sindhi spoke on behalf of the Ahmadis. Among those present were Mr Hashmi, Malik Naeem, Khalid Iqbal, Hafeez Butt Saheb, Chaudhary Mansoor Ahmad Sialkoti and others. In their presence Mubahila took place between Ahtesham and Ahmadis on the truthfulness and lies, and they proclaimed the curse of Allah on liars by saying Laanatullah 'ala-al kazibeen.

Br. Ahtesham also requested Mr. Murabbi to provide him the whole set of the books of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad at whatever is the cost price. Initially Murabbi Saheb promised that he would provide them but later he backed out. During the dialogue Murabbi Saheb and Ch. Mansoor Ahmad Sialkoti got angry and started swearing at the new revert to Islam and threatened to beat him. Br. Ahtesham reminded them that physical violence is not the way of preaching in Islam and told them that if they come to Muslim mosques they will find a very different attitude.

May Allah give these misguided followers of Ahmadiyya the insight to distinguish between truth and falsehood and the hidayah to follow the right path. Ameen.

Wa maa alainaa ila-albalaagh

Wassalam ala mun-ittaba'a al-huda

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali



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تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

الزوار: 2119

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Fatwa No 30 Part 1
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AlFatwa No 3
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