عرض المقال :Knowledge of Mirza Fabrications, Lies and Deceptions
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اسم المقال : Knowledge of Mirza Fabrications, Lies and Deceptions
كاتب المقال: admin

Bismillah Al-Rehman Al-Raheem

Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam – An Awareness Campaign September 9, 2008


Who can be more zaalim than the one who fabricates a lie on Allah or says that he receives revelation whereas nothing has been revealed to him – AlQuran.

Knowledge of Mirza

Fabrications, Lies and Deceptions

by Dr. Rashid


A Liar Needs a Good Memory

Montaigne said that to be a successful liar the number one qualification is a superb memory. A successful liar needs not only to keep the facts straight, but also to keep straight all his various and contradictory versions of the facts. It's a big job.

"No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar." - -- Abraham Lincoln Dear Reader Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement, claimed to be a Prophet of Allah, Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, all in one and many more. He claimed that he is the recipient of divine inspiration (wahi) and that God has taught him everything, without the intervention of any human being.

"And as I believe in the verses of Holy Quran, likewise without the slightest difference i believe in that revelation of God that has come to me ..... And i can stand in Khana Ka'aba and swear that that pious revelation which comes to me, is the word of the same God who had sent His revelations on Moses and Jesus and Hazrat Muhammad SallAllaho alaihe wassalm." (Aik Ghaltee kaa Izala p.6, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p. 210)

"I swear upon God I believe in these inspirations in similar manner as on Holy Quran and other Books from God, and just as I consider Holy Quran definitely and absolutely word of God, likewise i believe that that revelation that descends on me is the word of God." (Haqeeqatul Wahi p.211, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.220)

Thus we are right in assuming that whatever Mirza Ghulam had said or written in his books had been transpired from God therefore there is no question of any mistakes or lies or fabrications. Mirza said:

“Without doubt God never leaves me with a mistake, even for the duration of blink of the eye; and He protects me from every mistake and protects me from the ways of satans.” (Nur ul Haq Last page, Roohani Khazain vol. 8 p 372) “'Kullama qulto qulto min amrahoo, wa maa fa'alto un amree, wa maa aftaraito 'alaa Rabbi al'Alaa' - Whatever I have said, I have said it with His (God) order and I have not done anything of my own desire and I have not fabricated anything on my Lord.” (Mawahibur Rehman p 3, Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.221) “ ‘wa maa unteqo unil hawa in howa illa wahun yooha' - he does not say anything of his own volition, rather whatever you hear it is the revelation of God." (Arba'een No. 3, Roohani Khazain vol.17, p. 426-427)

These statements of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani are very clear. Whatever he did or said, whatever he wrote, all his 83 odd books, 10 volumes of Mafoozaat as well as collection of revelations called Tadhkirah, and 3 volumes of Collections of Advertisements are directly transpired from God, according to him. I am sure that Ahmadis/Qadianis/Lahoris will agree with me on this point.

Now if there is any mistake in these books or any lies, then who is responsible??? Can we say that it is from God (Ma'azAllah)? Unless of course his 'God' lied to him to ridicule him in the eyes of his opponents. Since Allah cannot make a mistake or make a false statement, there can be another explanation that is equally possible, and most probable, that the source of all these inspirations and revelations was SATAN, brought to Mirza Ghulam by 'Eil', 'Tichee Tichee', 'Khairaatee'. I leave that decision for the readers.

In the following series I would be showing some stark examples of fabrications, misrepresentations of facts and frank lies. But before I proceed to do, please read what Mirza Ghulam has to say about someone who fabricates a lie:

"Lying is not less than apostasy." (Arba'een No.3 p.24 footnote, Roohani Khazain vol.17 p. 56, 407)

"When someone is proven a liar in one thing, then he is no longer reliable in other matters." (Chashma-e-Ma'arifat p.222, Roohani Khazain vol. 23 p.231)

Mirza Ghulam has mentioned in his books that there are two kinds of inspirations:

1. Inspiration from God (Ilham Rehmani)

2. Inspiration from Satan (Ilham Shaitaani)

Inspiration from God is always correct. Satanic inspiration is mostly false but may be correct at times when he wants to mislead the person for a greater gain. Mirza's revelations/inspirations should also be judged along the same line.

Fabrication Series No. 1


Dr. Rashid

I will start this series from few examples from the writings of Mirza Ghulam which concern historical facts and therefore verifiable by independent sources. No interpretation required, no explanation is necessary, in other words simple straight forward writings.

"Historians know that in His (Holy Prophet SAAW) house 11 boys were born and all of them died...." (Chashma-e-Ma'arifat p.286, Roohani Khazain vol. 23 p.299)

"See in our Prophet of God's (SAAW) house 12 girls were born, He never said why boy was not born." (Malfoozaat vol.6 p.57)

“Holy Prophet SAAW did not even get a chance to learn mother tongue from his parents, because by the age of six months both were dead.” (Ayam-us-Sulh p. 150, Roohani Khazain vol. 14 p. 396 footnote)

Dear Reader

Open any book of history or biography of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. He had four boys and four girls. None of them says that Holy Prophet SAAW had 12 girls or 11 boys. Holy Prophet SAAW's father died before he was born and his mother passed away when he was 6 years old.

What was the source of Mirza Ghulam's information? Now read this:

"Whatever I have said, I have said it with His (God) order and I have not done anything of my own desire and I have not fabricated anything on my Lord.” (Mawahibur Rehman p 3, Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.221)

So who is this 'god' giving such false information, ridiculing his own 'prophet'?? Is it possible that these were inspirations from Satan? Or was it that Mirza was confused? But then God does not leave Mirza on a mistake even for a blink of an eye, as he boasted.

“Without doubt God never leaves me with a mistake, even for the duration of blink of the eye; and He protects me from every mistake and protects me from the ways of satans.” (Nur ul Haq Last page, Roohani Khazain vol. 8 p 372)

Whatever is the source of this revelation and whoever is behind this revelation, one thing is for certain. This revelation is not from Allah this is definitely from Satan. What guarantee is there that others are not from the same source.

I invite Ahmadis to ponder on this.


Dr. Syed Rashid Ali





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تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

الزوار: 2781

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